in #cannabis7 years ago

So the plants are doing smashingly. Since the last update, there is a NEW LIGHT! It's SO much better and brighter, it's really unbelievable. It's a Black Dog Phytomax2 LED, and it is AMAZING! The plants are loving it. Just wanted to share some cool shots I took the other night, all from the ol' iPhone7. More updates to come as the nugs start to come in!

Here's a shot of the whole tent. You can see the clarity has gone WAAAY up in photos with the new light. There isn't that weird purple glare from the UV blocking lens we put over the camera.

Photo Dec 06, 23 15 27.jpg

Nice closeup of one of them.

Photo Dec 06, 23 15 36.jpg

I just liked how this shot came out.

Photo Dec 06, 23 15 48.jpg




sire Lime green trait for cryptoweeds, lol

Hahaha! 40000 Ethereum and it's all yours.

Wow! Great post. Amazing photography and the clarity was so brilliant. You are nature photographer too! Excellent my friend, I like it. Thanks dear @grapthar for sharing such a wonderful post.🌿💚😊

Thanks! I appreciate it, but the iPhone just takes beautiful photos, I dont know how much of it is my skill haha.

You're welcome my dear friend, yeah I know iPhone takes beautiful photos but it is your skill to take amazing shots!! 😊💚💚💚

Haha thanks appreciate it.

You're most welcome my friend @grapthar. Your posts is always brilliant and mind blowing!! 😊💚💙💛

I am not a huge fan a cannabis, but it is great to see anyone growing their own stuff. Medicine, food, textiles, we need to do this to be independent as humans. You ever use the male plants to make rope or clothing? Just get the stalks wet and beat them on a rock, the resulting fibers are your raw textile material.

Do you dry the stems first or beat them fresh?

Wet them with water for most types of fiber. I believe it is called Pithing or Coir. It is handy to be able to make twine or rope and while I have not used hemp, I have done other fibers. Hemp is supposed to be stronger than most natural fibers. Wet it and beat it on a rock, the strongest and longest strings separate and survive.

I got a bunch of old dry stems laying around I use for bong cleaning & potpourri 😁 I’ll have to try to rehydrate some & make some rope

I would try extracting the oil from them, unless the plants were males. Stem oil is very potent.

Appreciate it! We actually don't have males generally, as it's all from feminized seeds or from clones of females. Although i wish I had an outdoor grow, and could actually harvest males for hemp too. Would be awesome.

Cloning a flower, that's another handy skill only imparted to the wise!

I will put up an aloe Vera cloning technique for flowers in a couple weeks when I next take clones :) organic :)

Your plants look great, never tryed LED but it seems that I have to do it :D

Its great, way less hot, smaller space... plus the growth with this new LED is killer.

so awesome to see the cannabis community growing, pun intended.

Yeah! We're taking over.

cannabis and crypto the best combo. I am looking forward to all the cannabis flow to be on the blockchain. I am buying all my smoke with crypto now to make sure my smoke friends don't miss out.

That last picture looks like the canopy of the amazon forest 🌳

haha thanks! I wish they were that size though.... haha


Do you think you will need to upgrade the tent as they get lager? They are very beautiful and I wish you the best luck in your harvest?

These are in soil, right?

Indeed! Well these guys will fit in this tent just fine, but if you wanted to have more plants would definitely need to upgrade. This tent is actually suuuper tall, hard to tell in the photos.


You are going to have pretty full tent, maybe a little too full :D
I suggest that you bend those highest tops under the net :)
Looking good ! Keep up the good work man!

Last time was 9 PLANTS! Which was too much for sure haha. This time it's only 5, but honestly they seem to be all be getting plenty of light, esp. with the new LED, that tent is just like the damn sun when you open it lol.

How big is the tent? I have 100x100x200 and with 4 plants its always damn full :D

Ours is 4ftx4ftx8.8ft

Are your measurments in Centimeters? That's probably the tent size just below this one.

Yeah centimeters :) Metric system master race ! :DD
Your tent is way higher than mine and also little bit wider!
I don't need a higher tent, but could use some more room ;)

Yeah the extra space is nice. The height is nice too, can actually get in there and move lights or fans easily, lots of headroom.

I already have 2m high tent and there is enough headroom since I like to keep my plants low by bending and FIMming them :)

I was stoked when I went into Home Depot and found that they now carry the LED red and Blue Spectrum light setup. I tried the whole LED Movement, but I have so many 1000W bulbs in my arsenal that I need to get the life out of those before I move to LED. I am a little scared to try new things, when my 3 1000W lights produce more than I need, which is I guess not all bad. The only thing that I do not like about them it the heat that comes with them, but then again, I do not need heaters lol

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