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RE: Cannabis Proven Effective in Treating Gut Inflammation, IBS, Crohns and Celiac Disease

in #cannabis6 years ago

With IBD sufferers, the lack of natural endocannabinoids prevents the body from maintaining a balance between all the various parts of our internal functionality.

There you have it, yet another disease that appears to be caused by cannabis deficiency, the USDA should really establish a RDA for minimal cannabis intake.


LOL maybe if they didn't work for the wrong team! ;)

when Trump signs the bill to end federal cannabis prohibition we can make the USDA great again!

Lol, let's hope so! A lot of work to do there first.

there is a bill in process now, they just need to vote on it.

let's hope they pull it up soon! ;)

It would provide a boost to the economy and take the wind out of the Democrat's sails, Pocahontas is running around saying if we put democrats in congress they will pass legalization. Which is funny because when they had both houses of congress and the presidency they used that to create a massive giveaway to the health and drug companies and didn't legalize pot.

Yeah politicians say a lot of things they never really intend to do.

LOL, cannabis deficiency... no, cannabinoids ;) Many ppl don't have this issue and they don't ingest cannabis ;)

Maybe that's why they don't have that issue! Humans naturally produce their own cannabinoids but some don't produce enough.
When they were considering legalizing recreational cannabis in California a while back one of the fellows who had worked to get medical cannabis legal wrote a piece about how all cannabis use is in fact medicinal and therefore he was going to vote against legalization, nothing to do of course with the fact that he was personally profiting from and dependent on the medical paradigm. He made a pretty good argument though, people who smoke pot "recreationally" or in social settings are doing so to ease social anxiety and social anxiety is a recognized psychiatric condition.

I forgot a "don't":

Many ppl don't have this issue and they don't ingest cannabis ;)

Smoking or taking substances that get you high is also escapism as a stress reliever ;)

he might say that nonspecific "stress" is a "general anxiety" and if it is so bad that you need to take a substance to relieve it then technically that does qualify as a Generalized Anxiety Disorder and then it's medical use.

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