Tahoe Alien Hybrid Review

in #cannabis4 years ago

As promised yesterday, here is my review of the Tahoe Alien Hybrid I enjoyed last night.


I am not sure if it was the fact that I do not normally smoke but eat edibles is the reason or not but this little fellow hit me like a ton of bricks.

During my normal smoking days, I would never have tried to smoke a whole joint myself as I never really smoked by myself.

Fuck it, this is for science

Science kicked my ass, as well as nature, did, lol.

I was pain free very quickly into trying this Tahoe Alien!

Next I felt like I had to get up and move or I would be useless for the rest of the day.

Happily I am here to report I slept from 9pm until 7am.

That is about 9 hours longer than I normally sleep so......

All Hail Science!!!!

I wonder how this one will work the next time????

Taste: Yummy
Strength: High
Time lasted: 12+ hours of pain relief

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