The Harvest of Beauty (Northn Lights cannabis indica flower)

in #cannabis6 years ago

beauty harvest.JPG

With my Steem OG plant "Ace" harvested and curing, I'm focused on my 2 Northern Lights plants, Kaila and Beauty.

2 days ago, I decided to give Beauty another 2 days, and wrote about it here in my post on using macro photography to gauge trichome maturity:

The time has come, Beauty!

"Beast", as I've also been calling her, has become asymmetrical, and is showing her age:

beauty or beast.JPG

After removing any remaining fan leaves (basically anything without trichomes on it), harvest begins. (See this post for a full description of my no-touch harvest technique.)

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Each of the 4 stems are tied and cut.

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Beauty, basically just a cluster of pop-corn nugs on sticks, is hung upside-down in a cool, dark, dry place.

The sweet grape/berry is outstanding! It's almost hard to believe my eyes. I smell candy or fruit, but I see cannabis!

beauty stump.JPG

This shot shows her classic 'arc' formation which presented early on in vegetative stage.

With the flowers hanging, all that's left is the roots and stem.

beauty chop.JPG

The stem is chopped off at the ground and hung to dry. I keep all my plant stems. Hemp is an incredible material!

The roots are washed, then hung to dry (as described in the harvest post).


My other Northern Lights female is the sole survivor, the old spinster of this crop cycle.

kaila alone.JPG

She's not looking too bad for her age!

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As I mentioned when I surveyed her for trichome maturity a couple days ago, she is still adding bulk to the flowers, and has a fair bit of white (fresh) pistil growth:

kaila cola.JPG

That said, I do believe she has had her last watering. Stay tuned for the Kaila harvest post in a few days!

kaila close.JPG

What's next?

When Kaila's gone, the garden will be completely empty. I don't like an empty garden. Luckily, I have some great genetics on hand!

I'll be germinating 8 seeds tomorrow. Stay tuned for my post to find out what strain. It's another really nice Indica!

Ace (Steem OG)

Ace has been curing in jars for 4 days now:

ace half cured.jpg

Looks perfect so far! The colour is fading nicely, and a bouquet of terpenes developing. It's one of the highlights of my day, to check the curing jars and smell the curing buds while I let them breathe.

In maybe another week, I'll grind up a nug of Steem OG and ask my wife @MediKatie to help me test it out. :)


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That's some kinky plant bondage porn you got goin on there haha good harvest

Heheh true! And that Steem OG nug is looking incredible.
YUM! <3

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