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RE: Growing Cannabis as a Rookie (Advice Wanted)

in #cannabis6 years ago

We can't help you with the struggles with your brother.
But we can see overwatered plants with a picture or two!

And yeah, those are overwatered.

No more water until either they begin to wilt, or the surface of the soil is dry. The good news is, they might be okay if you stop watering NOW.

Also, they need a bit more light (more hours of the day, and more intensity). They would also benefit from some airflow (a gentle fan for a few hours per day).

Make another post and ask for more help in a few days, with updated photos!


Thank you. Yes, he moves the small pots around the day to try and get the most sun to them. He supposedly didn't water today and I saw them and the soil still appeared wet. I think he is trying to listen. Besides, I showed him the comments. He tried growing before with other seeds and they kind of never did any growing after 2 weeks or so. Is like they just stopped growing. Anyhow, it'll be like 100 degrees tomorrow so they might need some water then. Oh, one of the pots (the one with 2 baby plants- the last picture) one of them had no leaves today and they other looked beat up. My Brother has a cat so I think he nibbled on it or something. I don't know how it ended up looking like that. I think it was the cat. I should've taken a picture on it. Thanks for the advice, I will keep you guys updated.

Heheh. Well, no more cat nibbles! That's kind of important.
When he grew before and they died after 2 weeks, that sounds like "rotting off". It's a common problem with plant seedlings when the soil is too wet (never dries out between waterings). The plant will rot (turn brown and die) right at the soil surface level. There's no cure once it happens, you just have to prevent it, by letting your soil surface dry out (not just less wet, but actually dry) between waterings. :)
Happy growin!

Thanks he is so naive. Today, I went over and checked and he had been watering them. He doesn't listen. If they die- it's a shame, but when in talk too him it's like talking to a wall. Done people just don't learn. Thanks for the advice.

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