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RE: Pink Kush update

in #cannabis6 years ago

Why do you say that Ca and Mg supplementation is a must? I've just shown (with my plants AND with the science) that you're wrong.
I find your plants a little bit radioactive-green, to be honest! Don't you notice that they're the greenest plants you've ever seen, greener even than a lawn fed RoundUp, greener than anything in Nature? Just a little too much Magnesium I think :)


Never said it was a must. Just saying it’s important. But yeah I use RO water so it’s important I do add a cal/mag supplement. To much green , no such thing.

Well you kinda DID say it was a must...
"Calcium and magnesium is the biggest must!"
Anyway lol
Oh, I didn't know you were on R/O water there.
What about the soil, is yours deficient in Ca and Mg? I haven't read the fine print but the stuff you use looks like it should be fine?
I guess you're right, green is good.

I use a soilless mix , it has worm castings, mycohonize, and some other goodies. For the longest time my plants where not doing so good dude to RO water and no cal/mag supplement. I still got a lot of learning to do still. And I’m open ears. Like for the longest time I thought neem was good. Got to go back to the drawing board on that one. Any suggestions?

I'd just fall back on using whatever other treatment you have in your arsenal, for whatever pest or issue you're dealing with. Neem has been a sort of "all in one" for a lot of organic gardeners, but many are reconsidering how much they use, if at all. I'm partial to using ladybugs, and beneficial herbs like garlic and basil which keep away most pests. I also believe prevention is better than cure, so I keep things as clean as possible, don't bring outside plants in to my inside plants, etc. Some people like to put some mild hand soap in water and spray problem bugs, it works for some things and not for others. I think a lot of good ideas are going to come forward out of this, as the news spreads. We'll battle the bugs and leaf molds together!

My only issue is white mold due to high humidity. I could get a dehumidifier and probably should. Just the good ones are a little outta my budget. I’ve heard a solution of milk with water works. Maybe will try that👍

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