RE: The Biggest Murder Case In The History Of...
It is a little mentioned yet powerful aspect of phyto-cannabinoid supplement treatment. Those in the know will not let pass an opportunity to ingest fresh cannabis.
THC-A / THC / CBN (translucent / yellow / red) ..three essential steps to understanding the biosynthetic pathway of phyto-cannabinoids. Persons applying phyto-cannabinoid supplement treatment can achieve a more efficient use of available cannabinoids being mindful to send the correct molecules to their corresponding cannabinoid receptors. A simplified rule is to eat the fresh and degraded cannabis, inhale the well dried and preserved.
The dried flower can be inhaled and ingested though won't have the particular qualities of eating fresh cannabis which contains THC-A (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid). Once dried and cured for at least two weeks the THC-A undergoes a natural process called reduction (decarboxylation) to the molecule we know as THC. The subsequent reaction in the bio-synthetic pathway of phyto-cannabinoid production and degradation is the oxidation of the THC molecule to CBN (cannabinol).
A darker substance which is readily soluble in water, CBN is not destined for the CB1 receptor. The hydrophilic aspect of the water-soluble phyto-cannabinoid cannabinol mean that it cannot interact with CB1 receptors in the brain. CB1 expects a hydrophobic form of cannabinoid such as THC. CBN can be administered by ingestion rather than inhaled, where it can be received by receptors CB2 throughout the body.
There is a research publication demonstrating that cannabinoids are a necessary part of the biochemical process known as osteogenesis.
Oh! ..Omegas 3 and 6 are used to build endogenous cannabinoid molecules. For those who like the non-psychoactive option as well as those who want to cover as many bases as possible. The hempseed I use to make milk contain more EFAs than fish.