With Cannabinoid Chemistry Came the Identification of Biosynthetic Pathways Belonging to the Immune System
The endogenous cannabinoid system is not less a part of the immune system than it's counterparts. Phagocytic cells which consume dead cells, metabolize them to produce "super-oxides" or ROS (reactive oxygen species). Endogenous cannabinoids and phyto-cannabinoids must contend with the presence of ROS inflammatory oxides that reduce the availability of the anti-inflammatory molecules with which the react. A decreased amount of cannabinoid molecules available due to reaction with superoxides/inflammation, allows the proliferation of cancer cells in the absence of apotosis (cancer cell death) causing molecules reduced by inflammation.
White blood cells (phagocytes) have their origin among the various types of cells found in bone marrow. Some effects might also be parasympathetic by application of pharmacologically analogous phyto-cannabinoid agonists of cannabinoid type two receptors expressed by majority at the cell membranes of bone marrow cells.
Cannabinoid type one receptors should receive agonists as yellow concentrate of THC molecules (hydrophobic). Which are most effectively used by cannabinoid type one receptors at cell membranes within the brain where they are psychopharmacologically active.
The red CBN (hydrophilic) molecules are pharmacologically effective at cannabinoid type two receptor sites expressed by majority at the membranes of bone marrow cells. Cited are the properties of osteogenesis and apoptosis (cell death) of cancer cells. Cannabinoid type two receptors and the ligands which are pharmacologically effective in binding with them, are necessary elements of the immune system, contributing to the regeneration of immune cells which replenish blood from marrow-focused biosynthetic pathways.
If we do not put the two molecules back together, then each can be administered to the correct cannabinoid receptor by the patient.
The links below are informal citations to confirmations of pharmacological properties demonstrated by the receptors and ligands of the endogenous cannabinoid system. It is quickly becoming the work of Immunologists as an immunological system rendered invisible by regulation. Legal considerations which otherwise would have allowed the understanding and application of a biological system which causes apoptosis (cell death) of cancer cells in healthy immune systems.