Sign Senator Cory Booker's petition to Deschedule Cannabis Here

in #cannabis7 years ago

I just signed this petition. Please consider signing and passing along. We already have over 400,000 signatures but could use double that. Latest polls show over 65% of Americans support legalization. Let's get 10,000,000 signatures


On January 1, California, Maine, and Massachusetts joined the growing list of states that legalized recreational marijuana.

Yet, Attorney General Jeff Sessions just announced that he will end the current policy of federal non-interference, so that the Justice department could crack down on marijuana in states where it has been legalized for recreational use.

For decades, the failed War on Drugs has locked up millions of nonviolent drug offenders, especially for marijuana-related offenses. This has wasted human potential, torn apart families and communities, and squandered massive sums of taxpayer dollars.

That's why I introduced the Marijuana Justice Act to call for the legalization of marijuana at the federal level.

If passed into law, the Marijuana Justice Act would have an immediate impact on our criminal justice system, policing, our communities, and even the economy. This legislation would remove marijuana from the list of controlled substances, making it legal at the federal level.

The bill would also incentivize states to change their marijuana laws if those laws are shown to disproportionately affect low-income individuals and/or people of color. The Marijuana Justice Act would be applied retroactively for those already serving time for marijuana-related offenses, providing for a judge's review of marijuana-related sentences. That means that we could reduce our prison population—a goal that Democrats and Republicans alike have claimed to support.

Add your name to show your support for national marijuana legalization.

State governments have, so far, led the way in reforming our failed drug policy and in beginning to fix our criminal justice system. Unfortunately, the federal government isn't doing its share—and Sessions, among his many offenses, is working actively to undermine the progress in this area. We can't let Sessions roll back our progress, criminalize more Americans, and terrorize our communities by doubling down on failed drug policy.

That's why I signed a petition to The United States Senate, which says:

"Add your name to the Marijuana Justice Act, which will remove marijuana from the list of controlled substances and look to reverse the decades of failed policies that disproportionately target communities of color. "

Will you sign the petition too? Click here to add your name:




because this has nothing to do with cannabis. You want cannabis legislation, let it be about cannabis and cannabis only.

What is in the bill that you don’t like. I’m willing to listen. I don’t want to support a shit bill. I’ve been excited about this bill since it’s introduction. I thought I had read and comprehended it. Maybe I missed something.

Section 2, part a, sub section A. and B.
Section 2, part b (all of it)
Section 4, d and e

Remove cannabis from the existing scheduling and legislation, don't make it a racial bias thing or force budgeting for a program.

I understand your feelings. Descheduling is so important, it needs to happen now. Everything else will come together after that. Thank you for the details, I will think about it.

In My Experience (and that of the Nation)

Everything else happens in extremely difficult ways, when legislation is not strictly cannabis centric.

Push for home growing and removal of current legislation... not more legislation with caveats. :)

Yeah I support your petition.
Even every country members should take part in it.

beautiful macro

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