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RE: Monsanto Marijuana Takeover: Bayer Monasanto Buying Hydroponics Companies Now

in #cannabis7 years ago

They also purchased a company that supplies Fox Farm with some of its components. Their clear intention to control the future of the cannabis industry should be very alarming to anyone who cares about their health. I have been watching them creeping in for a couple years now.
G Edward Griffin wrote a book about cancer and the evils of IGFarben Pharmaceutical company who I believe morphed into what would become Monsanto. This powerful arm of the global power structure has been killing people by the millions for centuries and now they are coming for our weed!


Ahh i love G. Edward Griffen! The only book of his I've read is The Creature from Jekyll Island though. If he wrote about IG Farben then I definitely need to check it out.

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