Say Hi To My Big Outdoor Plant

in #cannabis6 years ago

She’s starting to get iceeeey & smells sticky sweet. Over 2meters tall, started indoors around Februaryish from an Ayahuasca Purple clone I grew from seed & been in the dirt outside since May.


Underfed & underwatered, pretty much just let this plant fend for herself & she has really surprised me with the stank of her sun grown frosty buds in the last week or two.


The season has just flipped up here to colder temperatures & damp ground in the last day. We usually get a week or two into October before everything molds up, so these buds have another monthish to finish.


You see that photobombing leafhopper 👆🖕😂

The cold temps will bring out a lot of purple in the buds & leaves, & if the mold stays away the resulting hi will be a naturally delicious, terpene rich plant medicine delight.

Finish Strong Weed Plants Of The Fall!


Looking very nice!!! Would you say you prefer growing indoors, or outdoors?

Outdoors is more pleasant but they don’t finish well up here. Indoors is easy if u start outdoors, indoor quality is more fun

Yeah I fell the same way, due to my back yard just isnt the greatest spot. Since i have to put close to the fence, the air flow sucks and mold likes to grow. Having a perpetual grow indoors is so exciting. Especially with a 24 hour light cycle. Things are ever changing, and I always have something to post about.

The Micro climate where they are makes a huge difference. Different spots grow very differently in my yard. Even down the street at my neighbors house has its own micro climate where plants have a hard time growing.

Airflow is probably the most important somewhat controllable thing outdoors. What’s nice about outdoors is the plants could mold & fail tomorrow & I wouldn’t be to bummed. I’ve put very little work into them. If I had indoor plants fail I’d feel like I wasted power & time & work for sure.

Same! I was talking to a guy the other week who grow in his backyard. I said I go with 3-4 days with out even looking at my outdoor. He was like whaaaat!!im sure if I had a better area I would take it a little more serious.

Before I had indoor plants, my outdoor plants were my babies everyday. Now it’s likesee you in a month bitches 😂

Right on bro, thanks for the pics. Good job. Apparently it's hardy enough to do its thing without much water.
I think you're right about the 4 week estimation, judging by your flowers. You'll be harvesting that gal right around when I harvest the pink kush girls here.

Ya they are weeds ! It’s not really about when the flower is done outside as much as it is about when the season says your done. Luckily, this strain likes it up here, so a month might get a decent finish.

You can let your pink kush go to whenever you’re ready to snip. Hard to wait the extra weeks sometimes, but it’s usually worth it

Yeah true. I'll probably let the plants (pistils) decide when the flowers are mature. I'm not rushing them, but I'm definitely excited to get everything washed up and put away, so I can immediately begin the next round. I have so many things I want to improve on.

Ya & look at those trichomes too, they are fun

Finish Strong Weed Plants Of The Fall!
Sounds like a very fitting incantation to me.
I wish this for every outdoor grower who has another month to go...we’re almost there and I’m starting to freak out a little bit...;)

You have even colder temps up there to deal with! Outdoor growing is easy till september, that’s when the flowers show you who they really are & what they can take.

Here’s to another month of sun !

Dam nice looking flower

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She has that wild healthy look about her

Get a plastic cover up! Enough to keep rain off.

And @Richardcrill might be coming to Seattle soon and able to blaze with the Seattle people!

Ive tried plastic ceilings, many different ways, multiple seasons, but I consistently find that they finish better in the open air.

Just need the cover. And airflow. Any stagnant air gets mold. And yep you are right. But just the cover...

& that would be cool for Seattle

Well let's link up!

For sure, let me know

Greetings from Canna!! Keep on rocking in the free world!!

Oh it is stunning. Upvoted... I need some seeds to grow some on October 17?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Must be the Canada legalization day

I started mine from seeds in doors - they are 10% CBD and 1% THC .... then I moved outdoors in July and they are doing very well ... sticky and so aromatic

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sounds like a terrific combo. Did u start them flowering before u moved them out or natural flower?

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