Cannabis Testimonial: Dogs & Their Trainer

in #cannabis6 years ago

16809915-0DA3-42C0-BF74-D6C55A3D1727.jpegTestimonial Tuesday is back!!

My name is Sarah Keyishian, I live on a farm and own a dog training/behavior modification business(

I was constantly looking for supplements to help my dogs and my clients dogs...

My journey with GuerillaHealer products began with a visit to my favorite pet supply store, zen pets(in south orange, nj.) where i met brent and his super chill dog barkely (RIP). Just to try it out, I bought the lowest dose, 10mg bottle of GH gold whole plant capsules. i took them home, and was waiting for a good time to use them. Sadly, that time came when my beautiful sweet alpha dog, Cozy, died suddenly from a horrible aggressive form of cancer...

All of my dogs in our pack were lost without their leader Cozy, though her biological sister, Sampa was mourning the loss of her sister Cozy the worst. she would lie down and stare at the floor. she refused food water and going outside for days.

i have large dogs, each dog got one 10 mg capsule of GH cbd per the 2 week mark, i thought, darn...this stuff isnt working... when, bam! all of the dogs had a break thru moment. they all came out of mouning and were back to normal, thanks to the GH cbd...!

since then i have used GH for my dogs and my clients dogs for many issues like pain management(no more rymadyl,or big pharma for my dogs!) arthritus, calming supplements, training and behavior modification and so much more. i have two ten year old dogs, a pit bull and a german shepherd who look, behave and act like young dogs again on GH products!

On my farm, besides dogs, i have chickens , goats, and a lot of beautiful wildlife (deer, wild turkys, cute toads, endangered turtles and salamanders etc.) Recently, my two ten year old dogs (on GH gold) chased a bear off my property!

From watching my dogs and my clients dogs, and their relationship with GH products, i decided to start taking some myself. I use 40mg GH gold capsules for a good nights sleep, i use the GH Topical ‘Magic Budder’ for bug bites, burns, and booboos of all types! I use the GH pure crystal products for a happy chill day... i love GH!

Sadly,i have seen many clients who chose other hemp based products for their dogs, with negative results...

I truly believe that GH products are the best hemp product for pets, (and sometimes for their people too!) available on the market, and so do most of my clients! I can see exactly how much i'm giving them each day and the results have been more than fabulous for me, my clients, and all of the dogs who are are lucky enough to have owners who care and want the best health and well being for their dogs. I cant imagine life without Brent and! 😂

If you have dogs, please contact me. i can help with ordering the right product and dosage for your dogs based on weight and issues....

my contact info is on my website below!


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