One state that chose to stand alone AGAINST Cannabis

in #canna-curate4 years ago


As the hysteria behind the Novel Corona Virus aka COVID19 swept through the United States, many governments decided to label some businesses as "essential" and allowed to remain open during the crisis.

While most States allowed Medical Cannabis as well as Recreational businesses to remain open, one state dug in it's heels. Maasachusetts was the only state that ordered the closure of Recreational cannabis stores while allowing Medical outlets to remain open with regulations.

Quote from an article on (
Gov. Charlie Baker is allowing sales to registered patients but has ordered recreational stores to close. "Licensed medical marijuana retailers" are exempt from Baker's March 23 business closure order because they provide essential "health care services." Recreational retailers did not make the cut, although liquor stores did, under the heading of "food and agriculture."

A few of the businesses forced to close during this time has filed a lawsuit against the Governor Charlie Baker saying the action was unconstitutional .

According to the lawsuit, filed in Suffolk Superior Court in Boston, the order forced 43 licensed adult-use retailers to close as well as " many more" cultivation and manufacturing facilities. Together, those cannabis businesses employ about 8,000 workers and generate $13million in weekly gross sales, according to the suit. -This was verbatim from Marijuana Business Magazine VOL 7 ISSUE 5 May-June 2020

While word of liquor stores remaining open due to concern of the reaction to taking booze away from those who consume it, their have been much more regulations in concern of Cannabis. In my opinion we still have a long way to go as far as educating the masses about the benefits and need for Cannabis. Those who use the plant for their medicinal , recreational or supplemental use can take a win away from this experience, as it was deemed an "essential" business and product while other places of retail were forced to close and layoff employees. Some businesses will never return from this event.

Thank You for your time and please check out the links provided to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.


#FreeYourMind #Liberty #SteemOn


Guess they forgot to send in that extra Covid "fee $$$" so that they could be essential. Massachusetts is such a fucked up mess.

So funny because the reason why most states supported the cannabis business to stay open was to curb down alcohol abuse! Sickening. Not only is alcohol abuse up, but do is abuse of kids and spouses!

Yeah, there was no question about leaving the booze on the shelves. It seemed like well if ya gonna sell dat weed, ya better jump through these hoops.

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