Cancer is a business and nature is the witness.
“I find medicine is the best of all trades, because whether you do any good or not, you still get your money.”
"We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their
idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison."—Glen Warner, M.D. oncologist.
If you get cancer, where will you turn for treatment?
One option is Chemotherapy, which is refused by 75% of doctors, works only 2-3% of the time.
Be careful You don't want to spill chemotherapy agent on your skin ! It's toxic and poisonous.
It's expensive- costing Hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Is it effective?
Describe Effective?
Conflicts of interest?
Will it cause more harm than good?
Do our cells wear gas masks?
Does conventional treatment target cancer stem cells or only the daughter cells which make up the bulk of the tumor?
Will the treatment have Crazy side effects?
Will my hair fall out?
Will I be able to eat?
What should I eat?
Should I check my Ph?
Should I quit eating sugar?
Will lowering insulin levels help?
What about restoring the mitochondria?
Glycolysis? Krebs cycle?
Will the treatment cause angiogenesis?
Will the treatment cause inflammation?
Will I need to have Fundraisers to cover expenses.
Has this CUT BURN POISON approach advanced in the past 30 years?
Can you give me studies that show that what therapy you're recommending will improve my quality of life?
Will you show me studies that if I take this, chemotherapy, radiation, whatever they're offering,
can you show me a study that I will live longer than if I do nothing?
I hear Many of the cancer patients go bankrupt. Their insurance would pay 80 percent, and they say I'm covered,
not realizing that the first chemotherapy treatment was going to be $30,000. And their 20 percent added up pretty quick, because there were 10 more chemotherapy on the horizon.
IN MY OPINION The war on cancer is failing!
Is it all about money?
Some chemotherapy drugs have a higher profit margin than others. If you were a doctor, wouldn’t
you be tempted to recommend the drugs that put the most money in your pocket?
The "Industry" is so big They cannot afford empty hospital beds.
WHY Not a more natural approach?
Black cumin seed Nigella Sativa?
Medicinal Mushrooms?
Essiac tea?
The cancer industry is just an industry after all! Doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and other stakeholders
in this industry profit whenever a patient accepts the toxic treatment that is chemotherapy, radiation or surgery.
Think before you pink?!?
Komen foundations sugar laced ribbon donut?
Red bull ?
Pink pizza box?
Pink chicken bucket?
Cosmetic chemicals?
What kinda awareness is this?
The next time you are asked to donate to a cancer organization, bear in mind that your money will be used to sustain
an industry which has been deemed by many eminent scientists as a qualified failure and by others, as a complete fraud.
There is so much information on all of this.
We just need to research MORE!.
I will post links when I get enough interaction so everyone can read.
1 MORE I'm tired and this also upsets me!
The chemo that maintains tumors!
An article published in late November 2012 in the journal Nature Medicine by the Inserm team led by François Ghiringhelli (Inserm Unit 866 “Lipids, Nutrition and Cancer”) in Dijon, France said that two chemotherapy drugs commonly used to treat cancers can promote the development of cancerous tumors !!!
Both drugs are 5-fluorouracil and gemcitabine used in the treatment of colon, breast and pancreas cancer.
The tumor stimulation mechanism is the following:
First, they activate a protein complex called the “inflammasome NLRP3″ within certain cells of the immune system.
Then, this activation results in the release by these cells of the pro-inflammatory cytokine, interleukin IL-1beta.
Finally, this cytokine induces the production of another cytokine (IL-17 cytokine) that has protumorale properties promoting tumor angiogenesis, that is to say the tumors’ vascular irrigation.
The longer you take these drugs, the more your tumor is irrigated by blood vessels. Well fed, it grows faster.
Yet, what is the researchers’ conclusion? Perhaps “urgently stop using this “anti-cancer”medicine that actually develops cancer”?
No, not at all: according to a systematic medical principle, it is necessary, according to them, to find a new drug to give patients on top of these chemo Products:
“Our results have identified that the activation of the inflammasome limits the antitumor efficacy of chemotherapy. The challenge was then to see if we could prevent the activation of the inflammasome, “explained François Ghiringhelli.
So, instead of removing a drug, they choose to give the patients a second drug, to offset the negative effects of the former. Translation: “how to provide new revenue for the pharmaceutical industry”
yeah bro you are absolutely right. nature is the only one who can save you to all sickness. in your post lot of information we took . its outstanding post.
Uf, that's a lot of information. I read the post but still have to go through some of the comments.
But the bottom line is that everything that is done in medicine today has to be lucrative, otherwise it just doesn't pay off doing it. 😒
Hey @truthtrain thanks for sharing real content. Cancer is a big hoax which these sugar eating working zombies just "live with"... It's very sad that BIG PHARMA controls just about everything... Most of the "doctors" are only a bunch of brainwashed medicine describers.
But I see you are here to share knowledge and to help sheeple wake up! Keep on steeming friend.
Peace and love from Finland
Thanks ! I appreciate it.
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RNA viruses are inhibited by Tetrasilver Tetroxide US Pat 5676977 or US Pat 6485755
Methods of using electron active compounds for managing cancer
US 6485755
Conclusions of IV Tetrasilver Tetroxide Study
Tetrasilver tetroxide is preferably delivered in an IV solution to inhibit undesirable side effects.
Tetrasilver tetroxide administered by IV appears to stop the growth of the breast cancer.
Tetrasilver tetroxide appears to stimulate the normal breast cells and allows them to replace the anaphasic cells in the breast carcinoma.
Tetrasilver tetroxide appears to cure infiltrative breast carcinoma in a 24 day period.
Tetrasilver tetroxide appears to cure ductile carcinoma special type, medular breast carcinoma in a 30 day period.
Tetrasilver tetroxide appears to cure infiltrative lobular breast cancer in a 30 days period.
Although certain patients developed mild cases of hepatomegaly, the liver functioning was not impaired as evidenced by the normal levels of liver function enzymes in the blood stream.
Stable oxygen that we breathe in every day is O2. O3 is an unstable form of oxygen that has an extra electron looking to pair itself. This instability is what makes O3 a universal cleaner. For example: lightning creates O3 and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in our atmosphere and in our water to help cleanse our planet. O3 breaks down in water to (H2O) and (O2). O3 is stabilized by a covalent bond with the silver atoms creating the oxygen silver covalently bonded molecule. The combined antiviral and antibacterial properties of silver with the natural cleansing power of the O3 makes it one of the most powerful immune system boosters.
Free Radicals are formed naturally within our bodies to clean up toxins. Free Radicals are often formed in excess today as a result of environmental pollutants as well as diets heavy in sugars and rancid oils. These excess free radicals snatch electrons from healthy molecules and are considered a primary cause of aging. The body needs help to supply these free radicals with electrons. Once these free radicals are supplied with an electron they can be eliminated from the body before they do further harm. The covalent bond of the O3 particle of our oxygen silver molecules is easily broken once in the body and becomes available to satisfy free radicals by providing the needed electrons. Our product is therefore a free radical scavenger.
“O3 Selectively inhibits Human Cancer Cell Growth.” “…cancer cells are less able to compensate for the oxidative burden of ozone than normal cells.” O3 inhibits cancer 40-60%, and up to 90% in a dose dependent manner, yet there is no response from mainstream medicine. 1980 Aug. 22nd Sweet F, Kao M S, Lee S-CD (Dep. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO) & W. Hagar (St. Louis Air Pollution Control) Published in “Science” Vol. 209:931-933.
“… Oxygen is the most important healing substance, the most effective detoxification agent, the premium blood cleanser, the most potent antibiotic, a versatile hormone, a blood clotter and declotter, and the conductor of the orchestra of the immune system.” Dr. Majid Ali, M.D.The Institute of Integrative Medicine, New York
“Pathogens, bacteria and fungi cannot live in a highly oxygenated body. The hundreds of different diseases named by allopathy (whether viral, bacterial, communicable, autoimmune or degenerative) are but symptoms of one underlying cause. That cause is hypoxia, or oxygen starvation at the cellular level, leading to internal toxicity." Two-time Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Otto Warburg M.D., PH.D.
O3 is such a powerful therapeutic tool because it deals with the underlying cause through both oxygenation and oxidation. O3 taken on a regular basis in the home will, over time, safely clean all the fluid of the body, and furnish an oxygen-rich environment for all the cells in the body, providing high levels of immunity from most common diseases.
We want better answers !