One syringe to treat cancer!

in #cancer6 years ago


Laboratory results have revealed an innovative drug that "practically" burns cancer-causing tissue in the brain and stimulates the growth of healthy cells.

Experts at Johns Hopkins Hospital in the United States have devised a new way to destroy brain tumors in their early stages and have used so-called microRNAs, which are modified molecules to help produce a new product.

The tests were carried out on mice. Scientists had previously implanted tumors in their brains and injected them with the new product. The result was surprising. It was found that the drug actually burned the infected tissue and stimulated the growth of new healthy cells.

Scientists have been able to "skip" the natural barrier that represents the "gate" between the brain and body, and divide the new drug into organic "bags" 1,000 times smaller than human hair. When injected into the body, cancer cells release modified microRNAs.

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