Todo un día en una larga fila para obtener el gas domestico./ A whole day in a long line to get domestic gas.

La difícil situación que vive mi país cada vez nos agudiza y nos lleva a la decidía, esta vez es con la adquisición del gas doméstico. Anteriormente el gas lo distribuían por los diferentes municipios y sectores de cada uno de ellos casa por casa y esto se realizaba una vez por semana cuando la empresa eran privadas.

The difficult situation that my country lives every time sharpens us and leads us to the decision, this time it is with the acquisition of domestic gas. Previously the gas was distributed by the different municipalities and sectors of each of them house by house and this was done once a week when the company were private.

Hoy en día la empresa de gas paso a ser administrada por el gobierno y ahora todo es un caos,ya no llega el gas casa por casa sino atravez del comité local de abastecimiento popular (CLAP) todo a su vez relacionado con el carnet de la patria.

Nowadays the gas company has been managed by the government and now everything is a mess, the gas does not arrive house by house but through the local popular supply committee (CLAP) all in turn related to the card of the homeland.

Para la adquisición de dicho gas hay que salir muy temprano hacer colas kilométricas en la planta de distribución, ya que atravez del CLAP llega cada mes o cada dos meses
Esto es una situación bastante agobiante y de mucha tristeza por qué las cosas ahora marchan peor que antes, muchas personas vienen desde muy tempranas horas a comprar gas.

For the acquisition of said gas you have to leave very early to make kilometer lines at the distribution plant, since through CLAP it arrives every month or every two months This is a very overwhelming situation and very sad because things are going worse now than before, many people come from very early hours to buy gas.

El mal estado que se encuentran la mayoría de los camiones de la empresa nacional de gas que distribuían las bombonas de gas a los pueblos.

The poor state of most of the trucks of the national gas company that distributed the gas cylinders to the villages.


Hi @edgargonzalez, all this is very sad, I look at your photographs and I see in them so much desolation.
Blessings :(

Bang, I did it again... I just resteemed your post!
Week 14 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!
Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory

deranged You just received DERANGED @edgargonzalez Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

Edgar, gracias mi amigo por these photographs and descriptions. This information is very important to show to the rest of the world. I never see this sad news on the TV or radio or newspaper! Great job Edgar. I'm so sorry your country and your life are in such turmoil.

Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Curated by @blessed-girl


Lamentablemente es así. Mi papá he tenido que hacer 2 horas de cola por el gas, en el sector donde vive.
Gracias a Dios aquí donde yo vivo hay gas directo.
Que tengas un excelente día, amigo.

Edgar, feliz navidad mi amigo!
Please go to this post to collect $15 USD in STEEM from the generous supporters of Mission Agua Possible! :)
We want to buy your family some water for Christmas! Once you have bought enough clean water with the money, if there is any left, please spend it on food or anything else your family needs for the holiday. Thank you and merry Christmas :)

Edgar, are you okay mi amigo?
[MAP] has some STEEM to send you! Are you able to use it to buy your family some water and food? If so, I will send it to your account. Please respond.
Gracias y que tengas una gran noches.

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