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RE: Canadian Prime-Minister Says "Mankind" is an Offensive Word to a Female Student

in #canada7 years ago (edited)

It's absolutely insane. We have something called Bill 89. Effective, the authorities can take children away from their parents, if they child feels the parent is not using the gender pronoun the kid wants. They are trying to pass legislation, when they parents can be held in contempt, if they refuse their child demands to have "hormone treatment", because they think they were born in the wrong body. The person who wrote the Ontario sex ed curriculum is now in prison from producing child pornography. Yet the supreme court won't throw out the curriculum due to illegitimacy, and criminal conflict of interest. You can't make this stuff up in a science fiction movie, yet our politicians are getting insaner by the day, and the general public is too lazy to do anything about it. Just watch the video, and see how the entire crowed laughed to support our Prime minister, as he said Canada will be no longer be tolerating the word "Mankind", because he thinks it will upset some feminist. That's the scary part.


In Australia where I am from we have Bill 18c that means you cant "offend" someone, which is of course absurd. So far noone has been convicted that I know of yet because it seems the judges at least have 1/2 of a brain. It does seem to me that the more someone spouts on about how much they are against violence or something the more likely they are to be hiding some serious character flaws. I am always wary of people that excessively virtue signal now.

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