
in #canada6 years ago (edited)


So you've probably heard our "Crime Minister" Justin Trudeau aka "Super Feminist" aka "Cuck Supreme" is in a bit of hot water lately. A report surfaced that a female journalist wrote a piece 18 years ago in a small newspaper about a confrontation with JT that left her feeling violated. Apparently he apologized back then but now his memory of the event has conveniently gone hazy.

The exchange took place at a Kokanee beer and music festival in British Columbia, here's the future world leader on stage during the event


Yes khakis, a wife beater and a button up shirt that probably features a dragon on the back. Who knew this guy would eventually lead a country?..

At first he said he didn't remember the interaction and now he's saying he does but isn't sure exactly what transpired..but ofcourse he's still apathetic 😥

The story isn't dying down even tho the alledged victim doesn't want her name revealed now or to talk about the incident publicly.

Honestly it doesn't sound like much took place?

I guess 18 years ago this lady felt violated enough to write a column about it in a small newpaper that she was employed at but now she wants to forget it.

Trudeau was quoted as saying he wouldn't have been so "forward" if he had known she was a member of the press which is kinda fitting but you can't trust this mustache..


If I had to guess I think Justine probably grabbed her ass or something? Trudeau being a Liberal and self proclaimed feminist means noones pushing too hard on the story here even though international news outlets are now picking up on the story.

In my opinion it's probably much ado about nothing but I sure like seeing Trudeau squirm 🤣

Let me know your thoughts in the comments and have a great day peoplekind!


Prime Minister of Precious Metals



People must just be bored with their lives and need something to talk about. 18 years ago, twenty something Justin Trudeau grabbed a womans ass. Someone please impeach this barbarian right this minute!! How dare he. Lets keep politics aside here, he's a guy, guys have a habit of doing things like this when they are drunk and at a music festival. Lets get over it and maybe discuss something a little more important, maybe something like Which Kardashian has better eyebrows

Urgh! Who the fuck cares about getting hit on while drunk (most likely, cos why else would you be there?) at a beer festival EIGHTEEN years ago? These people need to get a life.

I don't go to beer festivals or get hit on anymore. I miss the old days.

I really just wanted to use the mustache pic in a post

Justin's real father General Fidel Castro grabbed Margarete Trudeau's butt and look what happened, at least the General is no Feminist cuck, just another very rich socialist. See what public education in Canada can do to you?

Yeah the similarities are striking

Everyone loves to get outraged and grab the pitch forks and join the mob. That is until they end up in the cross hairs of a social media trial with no real way of defending themselves.

Must have been a slow news day...How about a little more focus?

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