Nazi North America is no Longer a Conspiracy Theory

in #canada4 years ago

Nazi North America is no longer a conspiracy theory I suppose.


I have been researching and investigating the things that destroy and upset for several years.

Over two million wrongfully convicted Canadians have yet to go home (despite not being in jail), many do not know their children.

During eight years of recovery from skull fracture, I was malnourished. I continued growing at the age of 36. I never ate as well as those Nazi prisoners in the Southern United States.

I suppose the D was too German... I cannot confirm the photo is of the same man pictured above ..more than sorta looks like a match. If the photos are a match, the man's son attempted to rob the pensions of hardworking papermill employees across Quebec (including my father, now deceased). Actually, a portion of those pensions will never be paid. Percentages were negotiated but full compensation of the loss was never made.


The son is claimed to be Jewish though the obituary reads his father was a catholic.


That is not an easy sacrifice for a grown man to face, if not already a member of the Jewish community know, snip the tip.

Many want to forget, while the damaged are obliged to remember. The hidden hand of prejudice stacks the deck for itself, every other "kind" of human also need to live.

I have seen enough, Nazi America is a fact.

Where do the escape routes of most Nazi war criminals lead? ..The United States of Nazi America (USNA).

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