Canadian Country Side and Farms !

in #canada7 years ago

From where I live a short 10 minutes drive will take me to beautiful country side into the outskirts of Toronto. Every other weekend I get up early morning and go for short drives exploring the area, take photographs. Its gives me lot of happiness and some how refresh my mind and body. It helps me forget all those hectic work over the week. Its a good reboot for me for the week to come ! What do you do to refresh yourself ?


Not sure how I am always hooked to the country side, may be its because how I grew up. Back in India during my childhood we lived in a joint family were we had a homestead. We used to grow most vegetables, we had hens laying eggs, cows/goats for milk , we even had pet rabbits , dogs and fishes at our house. My dad used to work abroad then and my Uncle was my role model. He got me involved in everything at young age when I was 2 or 3. From gardening , maintaining our small plot, painting , cleaning what not. I learned a lot from him and I used to thoroughly enjoy it. Some times he even used to reward me for helping, which help me understand the value of handwork and money.Unfortunately he is no more with us and I miss him. So may be I was programmed to like nature and country side since then :)


Seeing all these here its reminds me of my childhood. I have no clue how farming works here or even what they farm here. But I am eager to find out. I live in a rented house now, my goal is to buy a house in a few years with some land where I could setup a small homestead . I don't know how feasible it will be , but I will try my best.

I want my kids should also have a good childhood where they can learn value of these small things in life. Which is one of the reasons I take my daughter Kiara outdoors when ever I can and she loves nature. Lot of what we experience in our childhood influence us when we grow up. What are you thoughts on this.

I hope you enjoy the rest of farm and country side photos !





Cattle Farm


Farm Equipment's !



Green Barns !





Not sure what these are !




Stop Sign !


Parks and Frozen !


Big Houses , mostly noticed all the housed near farms are huge and beautiful !


Abandoned Car !


Lone Tree


Another Farm House !



Oh Canada !!!!

Leave a comment with your thoughts , I would love to hear and also encourages me to write more !

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I'm with you on the country drives....they are very relaxing and great photo opportunities. I loved the 3rd photo - it's composition is perfect as is the symmetry - lots of lines.

Interesting post @ashwinrajt! Thanks for sharing it. Oh...the sticks in the ground? I believe they are tree cuttings - not sure what kind - they'll be sold to a nursery in a year or so.

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading , means a lot. That's one of my favorites too.
Oh I see , never seen them before p more to explore and learn. Thanks for the info.

I like your post. Refreshing, calming ... especially this photo. I like the colour of the sky and shapes of the trees ... it looks like they have calm and encouraging conversation with passers by ... this is the way, just keep going, and you will succeed to escape from hectic world, just breath and enjoy ...😀👍🏻👣

Thank you Jana, very true and I am glad you like it ! This was early morning shot , entrance to some farm.

amazing places

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