(已截止)現有跟隨者限定競猜遊戲(送出20SBD)| (closed) 20 SBD giveaway for my current followers

in #can7 years ago (edited)


於今天 @carinewhy 加入了剛剛好兩個月。十分感謝香港某論壇讓我知道steemit這個媒體,我才可以認識到大家。我現時的跟隨者數目是447,開始邁向500關口。為了答謝大家的支持,我會送出20 SBD給其中一位跟隨者。

Dear followers,
@carinewhy have joined steemit for 2 months. Thank you for the support. Currently, I have 447 followers and it is reaching 500. I launch this 20 SBD giveaway to thank all of you.



  1. 在發帖之前已是我的跟隨者,看帖後跟隨我的人不能參加
  2. Upvote此帖

To be eligible to join this giveaway:

  1. You need to be my follower before I release this post
  2. You need to upvote this post


  1. 在評論欄回答以下問題:
    @carinewhy 會在何月何日達到500 跟隨者?時間以香港時間(UTC +8)為準。
  2. 若沒有人猜中,回答最近日期者為勝
  3. 每人只可答一次,更改和刪除原有答案會被取消資格
  4. 如多過一個人答中,20SBD會平分給答中之人士
  5. 截止日期為8月24日,下午10:00 (UTC +8)

The rules

  1. Answer the following question in the comment down below:
    What is the date(UTC +8) do you think will @carinewhy reach 500 followers?
  2. Who picks to correct date will win, if there is no correct entry, the person who pick the closest day will win.
  3. You can answer once only, editing and deleting your answer make you lose your eligibility.
  4. If more than 1 person pick the correct answer, the prize will be distributed equally.
  5. The deadline of this giveaway is 24, Aug, 10:00 pm (UTC +8)


Many Thanks,



你直接把20 SBD送我就好了,我有大量小號FOLLOW了你,只要我點幾下,你FOLLOW就下到了360,我還可以幫你快速達到500FOLLOW ,我8月28就幫你上500.


9月1 日 :PP

won't need that long la

咁齊頭嘛 :) 新一個月新的開始 :DD



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