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RE: Fear of animals out camping

in #camping6 years ago

The only predators that I worry about are mountain lions because they will, on rare occasions, try to prey on people but that is not typical. You might want to give wild pigs their distance too. They can get aggressive if they think that you are a threat to them. Generally though, I agree with you. People trip out over wild animals more than they really should. We are pretty big as far as things to eat go and most animals would rather look for easier meals lol.


You've nailed it on the head, they rather look for easier meals. All kinds of animals will attack you if they feel threatened. Snakes, moose, elk, deer. Granted I have seen while boars before in Arizona, specifically javelina and yeah those fuckers will get quite aggressive. Overall, though, if they wander into your camp, they'll generally flee when they realize you're there. The rare cases where they won't, they're either threatened or starving.

I would talk about a time I fought off a pack of wolves by beating them with my prosthetic leg, but I would be telling a fictional story. The reality is, I've seen wolves right in my camp, several in fact. I was in a lean to at that time, so I was literally wide open for them to see but I grabbed my fake leg to use as something for them to bite into, wrapped my jacket around my right arm prepared to try and fuck them up before they fuck me up but they just ran off. Fuckers stole my two rabbits I had hung up though.

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