[Calla] Favourite Breakfast

in #calla7 years ago

The moment I placed down the serving tray. She can't wait anymore.



She is so cute.

my daughter was also like that, cute !!


Even there's so many nice hawkers and selections of cafes and restaurants in Singapore. McDonald seems to be still the apple of kid's eye. Even adults, how could someone said no right? I even ordered McD from foodpanda for the fries and their big mac for my ultimate cheat day! haha~ Cute little angel <3

That's right. Especially 11pm and feeling hungry. First thing come to my mind will be Mac. When my Wife was pregnant with Calla, we had Mac for supper every alternate nights

Haha! That's cool! Guess Calla got the McD gene in her before she was bone ;D

Yeah, that little cutie is heading for that drink, wasn't she? It seems kids like the drinks more than the food.

Oh my, she's the queen of cuteness, I'm dying here ♥ this post just made me hungry in so many ways. Thanks! (my bird walked on my hands, keyboard, mouse while typing this message, he's trying so hard to take a button out!)

She's so cute. My son is the same. Although I think he loves McDonald's because of toys and playgrounds.

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