this pretty little is not the kind of diligent flowering

in #caktus6 years ago

Waiting for beautiful cactus flowers takes a long time. Because, this pretty little is not the kind of diligent flowering. Well, now there are two easy ways to accelerate his flowering healthy condition.

In order to bloom, the place should also be ideal. The important thing is there are different day-night temperature and the number of hours of sunlight. "The daytime temperature of 33C - 35C and 22C at night, is perfect for cactus flowering," explains this cactus hobbyist. Basically all kinds of cactus require sufficient sunlight. Ideally 12 hours / day, but 5 hours / day was adequate from the routine every day.

Flowering technique has long been done Frans Wiratmahusada, owner of Gama Cactus in Semarang. Usually he chooses a cactus that is usually dibungakan aged 2-3 years. For example: gymnocalycium, rebutia, mammillaria, notocactus, astrophytum, and thelocactus. Melocactus and heliocerens fit in hot areas, while cerens, ferocactus, opuntias, and gymnocalycium abroad flowering in spring

Differences in habitat of origin cause the character of each type of cactus is not the same. However, naturally he will experience a period of dormancy due to environmental changes. There are times when he "sleeps" when the water supply is running low. It was not long, so off spontaneous dormancy he flowered simultaneously.


Regular fertilization 2 weeks with the content of phosphorus and potassium thnggi. Hyponex, vitabloom or red gandasil can be used with the dosage as per the instructions on the packaging label. Every fertilization followed by watering. A month later flower buds began to appear.

To break the dormancy, Frans uses a different system of temperature and humidity. He observes the cactus lifestyle abroad that blooms in spring. Apparently this way can be practiced in Indonesia, but must be assisted refrigerator (refrigerator).

Choose one type of healthy cactus and inactivated grows marked diminished out of new thorns, for example gymnocalycium. Unplug the plant and then clean the soil attached to the roots. Cut the roots and leave 1 cm - 2 cm. Rooted part covered with fungicide Benlate, Dithane, and Vandozeb to prevent decay. Then put in the shade for 3-4 days.

According to Frans, there are two ways to accelerate the flowering cactus: water stress and breaking dormancy. In the first way, the cactus is not supplied with water for a certain period of time. If he used to be watered twice a week, then just do it once. The location was moved to a more shady location.

After that the cactus in black cloth wrap or newspaper then put into cardboard. So that the light is not broken cardboard closed. The goal, fotoperiodisasi become chaotic. Enter into refrigerator at 10C - 18C for 3 weeks.

After that, remove the cactus from the refrigerator. As soon as possible cactus planted in new media. Watering routine done once a week. Do not make the move directly to the original place (light enough). As a result fatal, cactus can burn. It is safer to move slowly and to survive from somewhat shady places. After 2-3 weeks the flower buds appear simultaneously.

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