The International Banking Cabal Exposed: PART II - The BIS

in #cabal7 years ago (edited)


This is the 2nd of a 4-part series entitled The International Banking Cabal Exposed brought to you by @libertyacademy.

The International Banking Cabal Exposed: Part II - The BIS

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

In the previous section, the former banker Ronald Bernard described that 8,000 to 8,500 banker elites are the ones responsible for running the world’s financial monetary system. In a second follow-up interview (2) he goes on to describe how these banker elites comprise the top echelon of the pyramid banking system. The next echelon, or layer, immediately under it is the institution called The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) with its headquarters located in Basel, Switzerland. The BIS is the headquarters of the central banks and, inherently, of the global financial system. In simple terms, the BIS is the central bank of central banks. And it is these member central banks who own the BIS.

Importantly, it is specifically these elites at the top of the pyramid who give orders to the BIS wherefrom they propagate downward through the system. From their own website, we can see that the BIS has 60 member central banks, representing countries from around the world that together make up about 95% of world GDP (3) . Thus, it goes without saying that this is unquestionably the most important financial institution in the world affecting and determining the fate of over seven and a half billion people despite very few people knowing about its existence.

Yet what is particularly remarkable is the fact that the BIS is a private organization (not a governmental one) that is completely autonomous. In other words, it needn’t abide by the laws of Switzerland or any other nation, as it is considered its own sovereign entity, exactly like the City of London or Vatican City. As such, it abides solely by its own charter and statutes (4) enjoying complete immunity from any prosecution, government, or legal authority. They are untouchable. Or as Ronald Bernard puts it:

“… they are above all worldly rules, nobody can touch them, they have complete immunity. So they have a complete immunity for everything on earth.”

He then goes on to elaborate further:

“Furthermore they have their own police service, so you can’t just go in yelling ‘You bastards!’ or something of the sort, because you won’t get away with it. To be concise, it’s a fully recognized, immune state, beyond the grasp of any rules. Inviolable. ”

A lot of what the former elite Dutch banker Ronald Bernard said about the secretive BIS can also be substantiated in Adam LeBor’s 2014 book entitled ‘Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World’; here are some excerpts from an article entitled ‘Meet The Secretive Group That Runs The World’ which cites directly from the book (5):

“The Swiss authorities have no juridisdiction over the BIS premises. Founded by an international treaty, and further protected by the 1987 Headquarters Agreement with the Swiss government, the BIS enjoys similar protections to those granted to the headquarters of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and diplomatic embassies. The Swiss authorities need the permission of the BIS management to enter the bank’s buildings, which are described as “inviolable.”

Another book of interest that refers to the ills of international finance as well as this highly secretive organization was written by renowned American historian Carrol Quigley was ‘Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time’ (published in 1966) (6). In that book, Quigley stated that the powers of financial capitalism (i.e., the BIS) had a far-reaching aim and was part of a plan to:

“create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations.”

He continued:

“It must not be felt that these heads of the world's chief central banks were themselves substantive powers in world finance. They were not. Rather, they were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up and were perfectly capable of throwing them down.”

In the passage above he is stating that the heads of each country’s central bank are merely figureheads of the powerful investment banks. This makes perfect sense, as most of the central banks in the world, such as the United State’s Federal Reserve for instance, are indeed private corporations owned by large investment banks (as well as powerful families as described later in this chapter). In other words, it is the large investment banks who really dictate, behind the scenes, the monetary policy and actions of a country’s central bank.

I mentioned earlier that it is the central banks who own the BIS. And since it is really the large investment banks (and families) who own these central banks, they are the same players who dictate BIS policy at their global headquarters in Basel, Switzerland. They are one and the same.

What the reader should keep in mind is that it is the large investment banks (such as JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, in America and HSBC, Deutsche Bank, UBS in Europe, amongst many others) who are the owners of the BIS (indirectly through their ownership in their countries’ respective central banks). Consequently, and conveniently, they are the ones who set the rules and standards by which these global banks must abide by. In other words, it is not dissimilar to the fox guarding the hen house.

I could go over countless examples of illegal and very questionable practices and incidents that such large global banks have committed in the past decades (and most notably during and since the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis) but that would be beyond the scope of this book. Rather, I would like to briefly demonstrate how these banks get away with such crimes via their interconnected relationships with the financial authorities and bodies of different countries.

Take for instance how the BIS’ Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and the Financial Stability Board (FSB) – which is another international body based in Basel Switzerland – have colluded together to establish what they call the ‘list of global systemically important banks’ (7), or G-SIBs for short.

The rationale here is for them to basically list the world’s 30 most important banks that they deem ought not be allowed fail, for if they did it would risk possible collapse of the global financial system. In reality, not only do they not want these banks to fail, but they also have made it impossible for them to be prosecuted for any wrongdoing. How convenient.

In simple terms, when it comes to the point where a country’s regulators are targeting a ‘systemically important bank’ with prosecution, the FSB (or the BIS itself) will remind them that they need to back off (arguing that the risks to the global financial system are too large and the consequences would be dire) and must adhere to their own ‘global rules and standards’, basically superseding their domestic laws.

As for any country wishing to go after the BIS itself, they are in for an encounter with a stone wall. The BIS’ charter and statutes I mentioned earlier provide them with an indestructible fortress. In the BIS’s headquarters charter document, there are three sections in particular which clearly outline the immunities and privileges of the bank and its employees and, thus, how they could never be prosecuted or indicted should an investigation or legal action occur:


Article 3 above basically states that no such authority – including Swiss authorizes – may enter the bank’s premises nor consult or take possession of any documents and that they have their own police force to ensure its security.

Next, the following article shows how the bank enjoys immunity from jurisdictional civil or commercial law suits:


In the same section (Article 4), we can see how the bank enjoys immunity of its assets; in other words, how its assets cannot be seized:


It actually gets even more absurd, if you can believe it. The following article goes on to show how these networks of bankers and officials (regardless of their nationality) retain immunity even when they are no longer in employment of the banks:


What I have enumerated above, folks, is why you never see executives from these large banks ever get prosecuted nor go to jail. You will see these large banks pay so called “fines” for their crimes. But if you examine these “fines” more closely in the fine print, you will discover that most often they are simply agreements (or “slaps on the wrists” as the financial media will often call them) between the prosecutors and the banks. So, here we have solved the mystery of why executives of these “Too Big to Fail” banks are untouchable or “Too Big to Jail”.

These immunities as enumerated above clearly demonstrate the reason why these banks can get away with criminal activities such as rigging Libor (interest rates), gold and silver prices, among other nefarious financial machinations.

The perfect example of how this vile scheme works is magnificently illustrated in a documentary entitled All the Plenary’s Men (8) by John Titus. This documentary film explores how the United States Department of Justice and US financial regulators were unable to prosecute the behemoth British bank HSBC (regarding its 2013 Money Laundering Scandal (9)) due to the bank’s (as a systemically important “Too big to Fail” bank) jurisdictional immunity through its status with the FSB and BIS. The documentary is extremely well crafted and explained.

The general takeaway here is that these large banks, via the BIS and other supranational financial authorities, basically can supersede national laws and be shielded from any real prosecution.



(2) YouTube (DVM TV channel) – Real Big Power: Revelations by insider Ronald Bernard-part 2, accessed: 2017-06-13:


(3) About the BIS – overview:


(4) Agreement between the Swiss Federal Council and the Bank for International Settlements to determine the Bank’s legal status in Switzerland (of 10 February 1987; text as amended effective 1 January 2003 by the exchange of letters of 18 December 2002/13 January 2003), URL:, retrieved: 2017-06-23

(5) Meet The Secretive Group That Runs The World, URL:, retrieved: 2017-06-17

(6) Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carrol Quigley (1966), URL:, retrieved: 2017-06-17

(7) FSB – 2015 update of list of global systemically important banks (G-SIBs), URL:, retrieved: 2017-06-23

(8) All the Plenary's Men (Youtube channel: BestEvidence), accessed: 2017-06-23


(9) Investopedia – HSBC's Money Laundering Scandal by Marc L. Ross, URL:, January 29, 2013



quiet intresting article :O Never heard of the BIS. Thought that the World Bank was the biggest.

Thank you for this important informative material Dan. Upvoting and Resteeming. Also want to add links to the other Ronald Bernard videos. Parts 2,3 and 4 are linked here:

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