So I got my Byteballs, what next?

in #byteball6 years ago

You attested your steem username for the first time and will receive a welcome bonus of $2.50 (0.052345059 GB) from Byteball distribution fund. You will also receive a reward of $2.50 (0.052345059 GB) that will be locked on a smart contract for 1 year and can be spent only after Wed Aug 14 2019.

Now your steem username is attested, see the attestation unit:

Click here to save the profile in your wallet: [Profile of a-steem-whale 30]. You will be able to use it to access the services that require a proven steem username.

Remember, we have a referral program: you get rewards by recommending new users to link their Steem and Byteball accounts. There are 3 ways to do it and ensure that the referrals are tracked to you:

➡ have new users scan this QR code with wallet app , which opens this attestation bot in the user's wallet, the wallet has to be already installed;

➡ have new users copy-paste this to "Chat > Add a new device > Accept invitation from the other device" byteball:[email protected]/bb#COFPQGFLJEFWGBH5YQW6X6V5RLVBXIMT , which opens this attestation bot in the user's wallet, the wallet has to be already installed;

➡ have new users click this link (you can publish it e.g. on your blog) which sets a tracking cookie and redirects to wallet download.

Your reward is exactly same as the new user's reward. 25% of your reward will be immediately available, the other 75% will be locked on a smart contract and can be spent after 1 year.

Sent the attestation reward

Payment: 52345059 bytes


Poor guy, I'll use your referral link then



对不起,大马不是美国,老马mak 也不是 林肯

bsfmalaysia (47) · 3 days ago
很多人,包括不少 大马人 都觉得 马来西亚 的国旗 辉煌条文(Jalur Gemilang)是抄袭 美国国旗 的拙劣模仿,虽然事实并非如此,但大众的既定印象经过长年累月的加深和巩固,已经很难改正了。

此外,马来西亚的国歌的确是抄自 夏威夷 民歌《Mamula Moon》,所以给人一种 马来西亚 什么东西都在抄袭 美国 的感觉。

值得一看: «疯狂亚洲富豪» Worth Watching: Crazy Rich Asians

澳洲 图书管理员大姐 强烈推荐
一聽标题 没有好感 感觉内容应该就是从西方人的视角 妖魔化 亚洲人

预告片 惊艳


新鲜空气、明媚风光、素质生活 是 亚太区 不少人移民 澳洲 的主要原因。随着 澳洲 的移民门槛越来越高,大门越来越窄,移民 澳洲 成了一个难度非常高的挑战。中、下阶层为了移民是拼尽了命,不少富二代更是把移民当作了事业来干。这里我就以亲身经历来谈谈移民 澳洲 的诀窍以及瓶颈。

移民中介 Migration Agent






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