The Start Of Me Living A Consistent Healthy Life

So today is the day, or morning rather. It's 2:01 am and I'm up writing about starting my health journey.


Old Habits & Decisions

For as long as I can remember I have been on and off with living a healthy life. I get into a groove where I'm eating healthy and I can't even stand junk food. But then somewhere down there line I end up slipping back into old habits.

I truly believe this comes from doing what we call dieting. You see, dieting is like a quick fix or a short phase that I go through and once my goal is reached I feel that I have made it. When I get that since of accomplishment I start to slip back into old habits and then soon enough forget about eating healthy.

I'm not getting any younger so I have to watch my health more closely.

Living In America

Living in America doesn't make it any better. Everywhere we go we are blasted with ads everywhere telling us to eat more junk, drink more beer, eat more bacon, etc.

Now I believe that we ultimately make our own decisions on eating junk but being in an environment as such, you do have to have a bit more will power.

I was born in Georgia and in Georgia, we have what we call southern hospitality. Just about any house you visit, you are welcomed with open arms and huge plates of food. You can eat a huge plate of food and they will continuously ask you if you are hungry.

All of my cousins and uncles grew up and moved out of my grandma's house but she will still cook dinner like she is cooking for the army.

I think with me growing up in this environment caused me to mentally think that I have to finish all of my food. We were taught that you can get the juice or dessert unless you eat all of your food and so that's what we did. That pattern has carried allllll the way up till this day with me.


Now the time for change has come. It's time for me to reprogram my mental and start listening to my body rather than what I'm mentally thinking.

Listen To Our Bodies

I believe our bodies tell us almost everything we need to know but I feel that we are so out of touch with it that we just ignore all the symptoms or we just flat out don't care.

A change is needed and necessary. I don't want to be 80 years old and can hardly do anything, I want to be those 80 years olds you see still driving cars, taking multiple vacations, working out, and just being super active.

I believe we were designed to work until we die and when we don't do that, we shrivel up and die an early death.

I love life and I love a healthy one at that.

Rewards & Punishments

At the end of the day you just have to think about the rewards and punishments. Which one of those are truly worth it.

Do you want a life filled with diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, etc just because you wanted to satisfy your fleshly wants??

Or do you want a life filled with longevity, energy, liveliness, and a physically fit body that you're not ashamed of??

For me the choice is easy because I'm terrified of having bad health in my golden years. I know that in order to live the life I want later, I have to live it the right way now to reap the benefits.

Real Engagement & Sharing The Wealth

If you have read this far thanks!! I hope that you follow me on this journey because my plan is to document it on Steemit.

As I build my Steem Power up more and more, I look forward to spreading the wealth to all of my followers that engage with useful information.

So please if you have some good info on things that work for you LONG TERM please let me know. I want things I can stick with for almost a lifetime.

Until next time my fellow Steemians!


Ive done the same, i wish i paid more attention to my health a long time ago! Keep workin at it, it can really change your life :)

I think a lot of us overlook health until its too late. I know I definitely have so it's time for me to start paying attention before and prevent anything major from happening. Thank you for the encouragement!!

I just turned 30 and I feel it. Need to start a more healthy lifestyle myself. Healthy eating , quit smoking, and exercise. Heart disease runs in my family. Got to start that healthy lifestyle now not when we get sick.

Exactly! I just turned 30 myself and I felt like I was at the crossroads. It's something about exiting my 20's that made me really start to think more about my future than I ever have. You can stop smoking, its really a mental thing. Our minds just has to keep our fleshy selves in check.

Thanks for sharing! The timing is perfect. I literally am on that dreaded Day One. haha. I'm going to hit the big 4-0 this year and seeing some of the folks around me and how they are later in life has motivated me more and more.

After many years of a similar pattern, the best I can offer is don't stop, keep incorporating what you have learned in the past and understand your bodies needs will change over time.

Yoga has helped me tremendously as I have transitioned away from running (though I miss it dearly still.) I just wasn't being good to my body in recovery after workouts and wasn't smart with running. Hoping to get back to it.

Also, as we get older men's natural ability to make testosterone decreases. My understanding is that incorporating some weight training stimulates a testosterone response in men, which is what we need (and keeping it up naturally is always the best.)

I will keep checking out your posts and best of luck on the journey.

Man I wish I had more SP for your comment! I always hear of the yoga is very beneficial. As far as recovery, I think that is the most important factor. The recovery period is when our bodies get stronger. I had learned this from weight lifting all through high school and the little time I had went to college. I appreciate you and I followed you back!

I'm wishing you all the best for your fitness goal! Just like you, I want to stay away from eating unhealthy food and I want to exercise more often. Thank you for your plan to document your journey to Steemit. I hope I can get inspiration from them soon.

I appreciate you taking the time to read! It's a journey that's been long overdue.

This post has received a 6.32 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @byrondallen

Eating good food and having regular exercise is quite difficult, but once you tell yourself that you have to do it, nothing is impossible

It can be very difficult. I been through this so many times I know what's going to happen lol. It's literally going to be like I'm going through withdrawals and really have to tame myself. Once I'm over the hump I start to look at junk food like I can't believe people eat this stuff. It's funny because when I'm in the phase of eating it, that never crosses my mind lol. This time when I get over the hump, I plan on it staying that way!

Good luck with your goals. Health is obviously really important. It's sad that most people realise this when it's too late.

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