BWPHOTOCONTEST Entries : Animals, a form of love.

Dear steemit friends, this post is for my entry in BW photo contest by @daveks.


Entry 1 :

This is the most fresh from today morning, these are total 4 kittens(baby cats) of the local cats. Specially captured to enter this contest.

Isn't she a cutie pie?


Entry 2 :

A wild yak :

Yak is a hairy animal which is found on hilly regions across asia, specially in Himalayas. They are also used by natives to carry weight loads and people as well. I took this picture on one of my Himalayan tours.

This is the wild one, and my entry :


If you like my work, follow me


With love :
Your's THAT Indian lady :


Till next blog, HAPPY STEEMING

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