Amazing B&W Photos From The W.E.B. ~ "You Don't Want To Miss These!!!" ~ Original B&W Photography And Short Discussion About Each Photograph ~

in #bwphotographsfrommyweb7 years ago (edited)

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Photo No. 1

Ice clouds mixing with heavy winds of dust storm in the upper atmosphere of lunar surface ~ Taken 280 km above Jupiter's second largest moon-Europa


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Photo No. 2

Sunset ~ Clifton Ridge, Ganalii Desert ~ The 1700 km mountain chain completely blocks the sun on the southern ridges and desert floor beyond

National Geographic Low-Orbit Satellite Series

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Photo No. 3

"Eight Seconds To Splashdown" ~ Apollo 15 landing in Pacific Ocean ~ Parachute number 2 collapsed, partially blocking view outside capsule window (photo-left)


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Photo No. 4

Macro-Electron-Microscopy Image No. 18 ~ Hydrostatic Coelomic Cavity of the Annelid Worm (Earthworm) ~ Showing heavy constricting muscle-striations (photo: top-center)

Central College of Nebraska - Soil Science Department, Photomicrography Lab

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Photo No. 5

Top of Prattoria Falls ~ Tangnanika River ~ Beginning of 745 foot drop to river below

Hike and Bike Magazine

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Photo No. 6

Massive Ice Stalagmites ~ Entrance to Franz Prötsleff Glacial Cave ~ Mt. Neetsbrüük, Northern Territories, Canada

North Woods Ice-Climbing Tours, Inc

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Photo No. 7

Southern Pacific Ocean ~ Massive ocean-surface vortex and whirlpool, caused by ridge-cone collapse in active, underwater volcano (Uw.V--134-7.B), 125 meters below surface ~ Never before photographed

National Oceanic Chartographic Department

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Photo No. 8

Sunrise through ice-clouds, over peak and ridges of old lava flows ~ Mt. Kalatingiaakaa, Paeluu Island, Pacific Ocean

Oceanic Heli-Tours Plus

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Photo No. 9

Transition Zone ~ Between Pellman-Cliff Glacier and the roiling surf of the North Atlantic Ocean ~ Unntepretaria Provincial Park, Iceland

Icelandic Helicopter Tours, Ltd

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Photo No. 10

Underwater view of the base of Antarctic iceberg D-19B ~ Taken looking straight up toward ocean surface from below, with forward camera of the Triton II-Undersea Explorer

Woodsen Hole Oceanographic Society

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Photo No. 11

Enormous hot-air advertisement balloon collapsing into the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of Florida. (Believed to have been rammed by a flock of white pelicans.) ~ A fine example of what the world would look like, if corporations could do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, to advertise their products

Taken from: Florida D.E.Q. Weather Balloon ~ OR: An Inkling of where these B&W photos were actually taken

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Photo No. 12

Where all of these B&W photographs shown above actually came from ~ 'Macro' shots inside a used, plastic shopping bag, blown by the wayward wind today, and stuck into a bush in my front yard. Hence the photos from: The WEB. Or more accurately, The W.E.B. Series -- The Windborne Expendable Bag Series

My Camera ~ My Front Yard ~ January 17, 2018

~ Finto ~

Thanks for stopping in and viewing the close-up B&W Photos from a baggie in my front yard. If you have any thoughts about macro-photography of errant garbage, mobile plastic bags dotting the landscape of our Earth, messing about with one's head--photographically speaking, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 01/18/2018 @ 14:12

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 25

Capture DONE BW photos from the WEB.PNG


I love your sense of humor and imagination! :D

Thank you. I'm so glad you enjoy my take on things. No matter what the tilt may be ( :

Excellent work dear friend @ddschteinn, I am a faithful admirer of your work, you are very good taken photography, you have an incredible wit, you are very talented, congratulations.
I wish you a wonderful evening dear friend

Very creative work, love the descriptions for each photo, you had me until the very end!

Thanks a lot, glad it was a success. Though I don't like to be TOO sneaky. But then, that WAS the point, I suppose.

I thought this was "Taken 280 km above Jupiter's second largest moon-Europa"

Oh wait that from my balcony LOL


Dang, I thought you'd really discovered something there. I hope your not still up, as I wonder what I'M doing still up, and it's a whole lot earlier here. Sigh. This Steemit is FUN.
Love the planetary look-alike, thanks for the added photos from your lake here. Adds a real touch of panache. Have a nice night, which is almost gone now ( :

Good one @old-guy-photos. I wondered what it was and even had to look twice.

Oh, Haha! You had me there. Even I was seeing things that were not there. Until I met the boss bad. LOL

Wicked. Upped and Steemed tip!

Glad you enjoyed it. It is fun to see things that you are not really seeing. Thanks muchly for the tip and compliment. And have a nice night, whatever is left of it in your neck of the woods.

Ha ha! Really great episodes! At first, I'm very curious what's going on with the moon, the atmosphere, the earth, the Pacific ocean, etc.... Until, the last photo, I have a wide smile on my face now.... Great photos! Good job! ;)

A bit of everything, eh. Except only a baggie in a tree. Glad you enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun thinking of what each thing might be in the real world.

Ha ha! Yeah! You always have good humor and great creativity in thinking of anything in the world! ;)

You, sir, have taken whimsy to a higher level. I bow to your greatness.

How about, "Collapsing swim bladder of a great Galapagos beach going Tuna Shark having beached itself on the icy shores of Kathmandu" No, I don't think I quite have it.

I like that one. Those Tuna Sharks must be a bit rare. Is that a fast swimming, Tuna-shaped Shark? I DID find a fish bladder in the woods once. Thought for sure it was an alien pod. Very odd.
Glad you enjoyed the whimsical look at the world of B&W. And thanks for the lofty compliment.

bahahahaha!! As I scrolled through I was writing my response in my head and was thinking of some funny things to ask you about your travels!!!

I figured it was plastic sheeting or something especially when I saw the letters - altho I didn't know what they said specifically.

This is so creative @ddschteinn.....I totally enjoyed it.

Watch out @kus-knee - we have another Mundane contest with plastic here!! And it's a winner :)

Edit - oh I have to share a cat story about a plastic bag. My tabby, Thomas, is kind of an eejit....but don't tell him. He always gets himself tangled up in a plastic bag and somehow ends up with his front paws thru the handles and the bag on his back like a cape. And then he runs like midnight madness howling as if to say "Get it off of me"!! And when I do, he doesn't say thanks, he gives me his infamous hell eyes. Meow.

Thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoyed my little ruse. Appreciate the kind words. I kind of 'really got around' there, didn't I. I wish I could see all those places. And read your original response ideas...

Your cat sounds like a classic. And a bit of a nutter. I cracked up on the eejit part. I can just imagine what he looks like....I'm guessing he gets that playful, a bit crazy look in his eyes, like "I'm winding up here", when he first gets caught up. Then it all cuts loose. I love the end resulting "Why'd you let me out" look. They are such a fun, irreplaceable part of our lives. And never boring. Thanks for sharing your goofy cat with us and me.

you crack me up - i started out certain we were looking at some tarps, but alas, the plastic bag swoops in and.....saves the day? Some of those could really pass for scanning electron micrographs ;)

You came close. A baggie is merely a smaller, younger version of a blue tarp. So you get the prize. Not a BIG prize, just major adulation from afar. Glad you enjoyed the odditeae as well. It was fun.
As for the S.E.M., that is exactly what I thought when I saw the 'Annelid worm'. I took a class in photomicroscopy, and we ALMOST got to mess with the Electron microscope. ( Didn't work out, thing was too booked by real researchers...rather than us, taking pictures of the bottom of our shoes, pennies and whatnot. I was big-time bummed. )

Yeah just slap come scale bars on there! Oh those real researchers booking the SEM! How dare they ;) you forgot the classic fly eye and pollen for the silly samples ;)

You've messed about with one of these, haven't you? At least it sounds like it.
I've been half-way researching how to put micron or metric scales on my stuff, to add the scientific touch to my "work". Still need more research, but that would definitely add a bit of high-tech to my low tech.

ImageJ is free software you can use. It's all a bit blurry but a few mental scrubs and my grad school microscopy memories may resurface...

Thanks, I will look into it. Now my Deep Science Reports can take that next, huge step up.

Hi @ddschteinn! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.02 SBD @tipU from @dswigle :)

Check out new tipuvote! feature :)

Thanks, I really appreciate it.

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