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RE: Mighty Moose Calf Of The North 🐴 B&W Photo Contest @daveks

in #bwphotocontest6 years ago

He sure is cute! Only a week old and running around like that? I was so sad to read the sign about how many moose were killed. But I sure do love your rhyme! Amazing photo as always @shasta.


They sure are when little, tho even the big ones
are cute too lol Thank you so much for your
sweet words, they are a treat being so sweet! ❤

I was just chased back inside by a fly thing! lol
I would like to know the name of said bug @whatisnew! :-)
It never hardly ever lands, when it does I wanna say it is
delta shaped, it BITES and when it does it SWELLS real
big, itchy and painful. It's a blown black looking, only seen
these a few times cause they like to fly around your head
where you can't see them, but you can hear the buzzing
and see their shadow!

When they bite you don't feel it till to late,.
Next to impossible to get a picture as I'm running LOL
Some say deer fly, some say horse fly, but horse ones
are much bigger and mostly black and don't bother
humans as much, only seen those in Calif. after the
horses. 🐴

I would be chased back inside too with that fly! They sure do sound scray and painful. I would be running and screaming too. Hmmm...I will check into it for you. Stay away from them. Run Shasta...RUN!!!

LOL RUN!!! that cracked me up ❤

I read that there are black flies in your neck of the woods, that go after hair, thinking it is some kind of animal. That is why they bite the face and neck, around the hairline. No special name for them, just black flies. And when they are in a swarm, they bite everywhere. Run Shasta...Run AGAIN!!!

ACK ~ Running!! lol
Thank you for the info @whatisnew! 💕

My pleasure! Keep running @shasta! : )

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