B&W Photo Contest - "Travel" (Entry No. 2 – 52-Foot Tall Jesus)

in #bwphotocontest7 years ago

Hello everyone, this is my second entry into the B&W Photo Contest ( #bwphotocontest ) by @daveks on the subject of "Travel". This picture is of Jesus standing outside of the Solid Rock Church in Lebanon, OH, the statue was given the name of Lux Mundi (Latin for "Light of the World") and stands 52 feet tall. Because of the pose this statue is also called “Hug Me Jesus”

Picture taken on March 4th 2015.

Before the above statue was built there was another one in the same location but that one burned down after being hit by lightning in 2010. Below is some pictures that show what it looked like before it burned down, while burning and after it burned down. This statue was called the King of Kings and was 62 feet tall but it had a few other nicknames as well such as: Big J, Touchdown Jesus, Super Jesus, MC 62-Foot Jesus, and Big Butter Jesus which inspired a song by comedian Heywood Banks, you can search for it on YouTube if you like.

(Photo credit: http://authenticgeek247.blogspot.com/2010/06/big-butter-jesus-statue-melts-or-i-cant.html)

And here it is on fire!
Big Butter Jesus on Fire.jpg
(Photo credit: https://www.csmonitor.com/From-the-news-wires/2010/0617/Touchdown-Jesus-artist-wants-to-build-new-giant-Jesus-statue)

After it burned down they started calling it Terminator Jesus!
terminator jesus.jpg
(Photo credit: http://thecourier.typepad.com/randys_seen/2010/06/photo-of-the-week-6152010big-butter-jesus-creamated-.html)

For the first picture, the one I actually took, I used a Canon SX40 on Auto setting and converted it to B&W with Microsoft Photo Gallery.

Thanks to @daveks for doing this contest and good luck to everyone who enters.


The first picture made me immediately think about the Cross In The Woods in Michigan.
Although it only stands at about 27 feet tall... yours is much bigger!

I have never heard of that one before. Thanks for letting me know it exists, if I ever up that way I will check it out!

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