Nostalgia (Contest Entry)

in #bwphotocontest7 years ago (edited)

My entry to this contest will be my Great Uncle's famous carriage which is being displayed in various museums (they were actually about three, this is how his carriages are in three museums at the same time).

Mi entrada a esta competencia será con una foto del famoso Coche Garay. Este coche se está exhibiendo en tres distintos museos. ¿Te estarás preguntando como? Pues en realidad eran por lo menos tres coches. Por lo tanto en cada museo hay uno de los coches.


My Great Uncle is pretty famous around the south. They have plaques all over, a street sign and and even a building named after him. I only wish he could have seen all this while he was alive.

Mi bistio(?) , es bastante famoso por la área sur. Hay placas, paradas y hasta un edificio a nombre de el. Sólo hubiera querido que el lo hubiera visto todo en vida.

Hope you guys like it.

Espero les haya gustado.

Camera used: iPhone 6 Plus.



Excelente fotoooo, y literalmente con un iPhone no necesitas cámara jajaja, en verdad que genial, te felicito!

Ja, ja! Si, es verdad, e caminado con una cámara y siempre terminó con el celular! 😄

Very nice! What wonderful shape it is in. Did he acquire these or were they family heirlooms?


Excellent question that I wish I had an answer to! It's much too late for me to ask him (for obvious reasons)! I had the pleasure of meeting him when I was about 15 years old, and he already looked fragile, but at the time it didn't occur to me to ask him any questions.

Perhaps an older relative may have the answer

My Mother is the closest and doesn't know the answer. Other then her I haven't a clue of other immediate relatives, haven't seen them in years. I have not been here for too long, I do not normally stay long enough. I will keep in mind that question though. Historians might know.

I guess in the end it really doesn't matter. It's a beautiful piece of History.

Indeed it is. Okay, received my answer. I was informed he built his own carriages... since childhood! 😳

Wow! That is amazing! How awesome is that piece of information? Now aren't you glad I asked? ;)

LOL, sure am! Like I said it was a great question.

Thank you very much Michael.

Love this one, Resteemed!

Thank you very much Michelle! ❣️

It must be an honor to be so closely related to someone so famous.

Very proud of his accomplishments. He deserved it.

Glad you like it Dawg.

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