B&W Photo Contest ~ New Theme Announcement ~ Reflections - Entry No - 2.

This was quite hilarious i was at my friends place helping him do a bit of a clean up and i came across this bin that was half full of rain water with a log sticking out of it and a bit of nature growth happening in there but what made it more interesting was the reflections i was seeing in this bin so i thought this would be a nice photo to enter in this contest so out came my iPhone and here they are.

iPhone 6 Oct 25th 2018 - 150.JPG

iPhone 6 Oct 25th 2018 - 149.JPG

Contest : #bwphotocontest

Camera : iPhone 6


You' ve been selected always in support of good work

Largo mensajes.jpg

Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.
- Ryunosuke Satoro.

Do not forget to use our tag #phototalent & #talentclub

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