B&W Photo Contest: Nostalgia - #1 Dark solitudesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #bwphotocontest7 years ago (edited)

This one has got me thinking... What should i share. I have been to so many places that i would gladly visit again to experience those pleasant emotions i had in the past. Even though it is most probably impossible to experience the same sensation you've had. Recently i have visited a yard where i have spent my childhood with my friends. Where we used to play hide and seek and do other funny things, but i do not have a picture of that. I think coming back to those places makes me sentimental, or am i growing of an age and that tells.

I have an image from Bali, though. Where i have spent four amazing months of my life. There are a lot of stories that would perfectly suit the topic, but again nothing that illustrates this one as good as my stay in friends villa.

She was renting this amazing small villa on a cliff of the ocean from some Russian mobster and had to go away on a trip for a few days. As it is quite remote she was scared her belongings might get stolen and asked if i could stay there for a couple of days and look after it. What do you think my answer was? You are absolutely right: "What a luck! By that time i was renting a small ~12 square meter room where only a bed, wardrobe and small table would fit and no air conditioning.


Click on an image to enlarge

Little time has passed and i was enjoying my solitude watching the ocean, smelling the salty wind and listening to the sound of waves breaking into the rocks. Probably it is not possible to put the feeling and sensation into the words. But these were one of my most beautiful days on an island. I would certainly like to come back and spend a few more nights there. After some time. After i am a little bit different person that i was.

I am so glad i have put a tripod and took this shot so i can share it with you today. It was shot with Nikon D3s with a 15mm Fish Eye lens @ f/9 1/125 iso 200 and i have corrected the distortion this lens gives in post.

Folow me @bescouted if you have enjoyed the story, i have many more to tell.



What great photo, it has quite a mood to it, dark solitude. It does not quite evoke the tropical paradise that I would have expected from your description of the location, but it does evoke the idea of a mobster.


Thank you so much for the parallel lol You a right in this case i think no words and no image could accurately reflect the sensation :)

Minimal visibility... but that's quite cool too!

I have learned today how to post a zoomable image. Click on it to have a better visibility!

I saw that! That, I need to learn...

I have just uploaded a tutorial :) Check it out :)

Just did.... upvoted n resteemed! ;) Many thanks! Sounds simple enough...

it is, try it!

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