One Year On STEEM: Lesson I LearnedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #buys6 years ago



One year ago, I started my journey on the STEEM platform. The past year has been a major learning experience. Today, I want to share some of what I learned in an effort to help others.

STEEM is a bit overwhelming when one first joins. As the blockchain continues to evolve, we are seeing a transition. This is providing all of us with unique opportunities that most of us do not see elsewhere. Whether we take advantage of it is up to us.

It is no secret that I am one of the most optimistic people about the potential of STEEM. Some call me a cheerleader or someone blindly believing in what is being served up here. I once was called a "stooge" for the Whales. Whatever.

I am not shy about my optimism. Last October, I really started to focus my writings on what was taking place on the blockchain and the potential. My research started to focus primarily on STEEM and what was happening. I did this because the negativity was overwhelming. It actually stunned me how people could miss what I thought was plainly obvious.

Either way, as we move towards Hard Fork 20, we are seeing the materialization of what was talked about over a year ago. Some of these lessons might prove beneficial to others.

Life Is Easier If One Can Buy STEEM

Here is the proverbial "this is not financial advice" but it is a simple fact that one's path on the STEEM blockchain is a lot easier if STEEM can be purchased. Growing an account from nothing is very difficult. Buying STEEM was one of the best decisions I made. I realize not everyone is in position to do this so they are forced to take the other route.

With the drop in STEEM price, it is actually below where my average STEEM price is. Buying STEEM to power up benefits an account in so many different ways.

STEEM = Compounding Machine

The reason why buying STEEM is so beneficial is because STEEM is a compounding machine. Each STEEM that ends up as SP multiplies. To start, one's VP is increased meaning that each upvote is worth more. Over the course of time, the upvotes keeps increasing, providing one with a better return.

Also, STEEM is the only token that I know that pays people to offset some of the inflation rate. At present it is around 1.8% annually. While this might not sound like a great return, 1.8% is added to the account for each STEEM that is powered up.

A recent addition is that one can leverage the SP by delegating it out to newer applications to get payback in SMTs. Getting paid in multiple tokens is going to be the norm. This provides many with the opportunity to be early adopters in different SMTs. Since many of us were not here the first few months (or year) of STEEM, this is an opportunity to benefit like some of the large STEEM accounts did.

Of course, there are multiple ways to create content here. One can produce audio, video, and written works. All can be posted in an effort to earn tokens. There is also the possibility of earning based upon comments written. Simply adding a well thought out comment to a post with a lot of attention can get one some decent payouts. It is not uncommon for a newer person to get a bigger payout on a comment as opposed to a blog post.

@dtube is now paying additional SP for curation on that platform. Curation is another way to increase one's account although the payback isn't great for smaller accounts. That said, @dtube does take a percent of the entire account payout and add it to the curators.

This list goes on and on of different ways to gain SP which could be a post all by itself.


This is crucial. I see too many accounts that post haphazardly. This is especially true when the price of STEEM drops. Ironic, since this is the time to increase one's posting. Nevertheless, posting on a consistent schedule enables followers to be able to "expect" your content. Those who like what you produce will look forward to seeing what is created.

Also, there is truth to "out of sight, out of mind". It is easy to get forgotten. If one steps back from posting, all the effort to develop a following is lost. People have a ton of stuff going on and, this might hurt, but you are not their priority. Online is a mecca for people coming and going. Without consistent posting, you will get lost.

This Is Social Media

I see so many who focus upon the fact that produce quality content yet do not get paid. If you want to get paid for a quality piece of art, go to an art gallery. The same is true for a wonderful blog post; send it to a literary agent.

This is social media. STEEM is really a streaming platform of individually created content. Much of our focus needs to be on the relationships we forge. There is a ton of quality content on here. The fact that one creates it does not mean it will be seen.

We are here to interact. It is through that where decent upvotes come.

Long Term View

STEEM is not a get rich quick scheme. The first thing I wrote is that it is a compounding machine. Simply by the definition of the word, that means time is a part of it. The longer the time period, the more compounding that takes place. Everything one does adds to the account which has benefit over time.

People join STEEM, do not get results in a few minutes, and leave. In my view, these people are walking away from one of the greatest opportunities most of us are going to encounter. Nevertheless, we have a million or so who departed.

This is because they, for the most part, did not have the proper mindset. Part of it was misleading by those talking about STEEM elsewhere. Believing that everything will come instantly is a path to disappointment.

I do not focus so much attention upon where my account is at any given point. Rather, I am concerned what it will look like 3-5 years down the road.

Effort Is Required

STEEM is work. It is not easy. Too many have an entitlement mentality. If one is not willing to invest in STEEM nor put in the work to create content while also interacting with others, then the likelihood of success is minimal. Few are going to simply hand one huge upvotes because he or she showed up here.

Focus Upon Your Own Account

Tend to your own garden and forget about others.

This is something that is difficult to do yet is vital to the success of one on here. Ignore what the Whales and Orcas are doing. Failing to do so will only cause one to lose motivation. There is only one account you can influence and that is your own.

Many want to complain about the trending page; that is it nothing but junk. So stop looking at it. I went the better part of 6 months without even taking a glance at the trending page. Even today, I do not care what is on there other than the fact that some new apps get upvoted on there. Outside of that, I really do not concern myself with the payout of any account other than my own.

Be Positive

I know, now the cheerleader accusations come out but there is something to this.

Yes there are many people who relish misery. However, people, in my view, do not come to a platform like this to be bombarded with misery and negativity. If you are writing about that consistently, I can assure you that I am not following you for too long. There are plenty of places I can find that crap out there. If I want misery, I can turn on the MSM, they are experts at it.

Of course, there are times to post things about problems we encounter. However, unless we offer up a solution or create a forum for discussion, we are just complaining. Perhaps attracting those type of people might make one feel comfortable but I am not sure it is the best thing for growing an account.

STEEM Is Not Being Destroyed

This is nonsense that we see posted once in a while.

We all know there are some problems with STEEM; it is not perfect. However, the blockchain is light years ahead of what it was when I joined. For all the complaints I encountered over the last year, none of them destroyed STEEM. It is amazing because at the time, you would swear STEEM was cooked. Instead, it just keeps getting stronger.

Ignore All Else, Focus Upon Developement

This is a gem that all should take to heart. Everything else is noise. It is the development that matters at this point. What is being created is going to draw the next generation of Steemians. Between the core development team and those creating applications, the amount of code being generated on this blockchain is incredible.

When the FUD gets overwhelming, simply look at the development. That is where the value will come from.

Invest Completely In STEEM

This does not mean financially although, as I wrote, buying STEEM will help your account.

By this I mean invest your time and COMMIT to it. Nothing is going to happen to any great degree without it. STEEM because a huge part of my life the last year. In fact, it became one of the biggest parts. The reason for this is because I see the potential and realize that now is the time to take advantage. Those who join a year or two from now will still benefit greatly from STEEM.

However, those who are on here at this point will do a lot better because of the compounding nature of this blockchain.



I want to thank all of your who welcomed me and assisted me over the past year. The list is too numerous so I won't begin to name people since I will inevitably omit people worthy of recognition. This is a "us" endeavor. Those with the "me" outlook, unless they have a lot of bank, tend to have difficulty. The long term success of STEEM is going to require the efforts of millions of people. We have a wonderful foundation.

Which brings me to my final lesson.


I am grateful that I found STEEM when I did. Sure I wish I was here 6 months or a year earlier. Nevertheless, I know how early in the game we are now.

I am also grateful for every token that hits my account. Even .001 from a upvote service excites me. I understand that .001 is going to compound over the next ten year. Plus, in dollar terms, I believe it will grow to a much greater amount.

Finally, I am grateful to be part of a blockchain with a number of working products with more coming online each day. Couple that with a dedicated core that is willing to put in time and effort and I see nothing but a winning combination.

The next year is going to see another evolution in STEEM. With HF20, Hivemind, and SMTs, we should see the radical explosion from where we are now. The groundwork is being laid right now.

Thank you for all that you have given me over the past year. I only hope I gave back a small piece of what I was able to receive from you all.

Here is to much success in the next 365 days.

If you found this article informative, please give it an upvote and resteem.


If this post doesn't inspire you then you shouldn't be investing in steem and the steemit platform.

Curious where you found the 1.8% interest and is it yearly? Thanks!

Happy birthday....

Happy first birthday on steem! (btw i'm the 200th upvoter 😁 )

Happy 1 year @taskmaster4450. What makes you an awesome human is the fact that you specifically even mentioned everybody! And you didn't forget a name man. You're truly amazing and one of the best people I've come across in my life. You're so humble. I don't know why I'm feeling proud, but I am genuinely proud of you for what you have achieved in this last year! Not only followers or fame wise but emotionally too you've grown so so much. Especially after all that you went through, you still came through, and you came through big! I feel so honored to have known you.

Thank you for the super kind words @moniristi.

I really do appreciate it.

Compounding since 2016. I definitely know what you're talking about. I have a strong feeling BTC will go under 5k soon, Steem will be at 0.5$ then, there will be so many opportunities to buy then. Also the best time to blog will be when those prices hit. Congrats on your 1st year btw.

I actually hope you are right @moon32walker.

If we do see STEEM at $.50, I will have to buy some more....that will be a number to hard to resist.

Consistency is a crucial factor for the growth of one's account here. Quality content and interaction with the community will surely lead us to the great success here on steemit. Your article has many great points and valuable advices.

You're one of the most active bloggers I see. I mean, quality bloggers. Because quantity bloggers with a low quality content are an infestation here. Eheh! 😂

I agree with you but I have taken a different path. Instead of buying thousands of Steem, I have just bought a hundred something... And I have been renting 1200 SP.

After doing some math, I have came to the conclusion that it pays off, if I maintain my current rate and quality of posting.

Starting with 15 SP... is a drag. I have tried but I gave up on it pretty quickly.

By renting SP, my account started growing a lot faster. And the rate keeps accelerating.

Many want to complain about the trending page; that is it nothing but junk. So stop looking at it.

True that! I have been ignoring it altogether. 😃

That is the great thing about STEEM @trincowski. There are many different paths to take to success. There is not one template that fits all.

There are as many different approaches as there are people.

Happy anniversary! But isn't the annual inflation rate 9.5% now?

Wow, this is an epic vision and love your mindset!

Thank you @chesatochi.

The next 12 months are going to be even better for all of us. STEEM will keep growing daily just like is has been doing.

Those of us who keep plugging along are going to reap the benefits.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 61168.42
ETH 2363.94
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.58