Top Three Reason Sphere Social Network is Probably a Scam

in #buyer-beware7 years ago (edited)

I do pay due diligence when checking out new ICO’s especially when it comes to things Steemers care about, like blogging and sharing life experiences and thoughts.

They sound too good to be true when compared to Steemit is the first give away. And I dug as much as it was worth the time but after the first few minutes it was looking shaddy. Snazzy websites are the last thing that should convince you and theirs is pretty snazzy but lacked the muster to pull in my hard earned money.

Let’s keep this simple and to the point. I do wish you all the best with your Steem rewards and hope you are using them wisely. Sphere is most likely going to break hearts and the dev’s are probably, based on the silence in their activity the past couple months, enjoying a tropical paradise driving sweet rides on your hustled money.

In no particular order these are my tell tale signs to not buy into it.


They start with bragging about how easy it will be to use Visa debit cards to spend your Sphere rewards. They do not mention how those rewards will be made, they start with how you can spend them. FLAG number one. I checked online and there is no reference other than their website that they are affiliated with Visa. I hope Visa catches on their name is being tarnished, they don’t like that.
Any company that comes out with talking about how you can spend the money rather than how the platform will change the world or how you can earn those rewards is skeptical.


Based on their website they soon get into the their stellar dev team, lots of names I’ve never of, fair enough, over 3 billion people on the planet how could I claim to recognize them all. Th thing here is they have NO LINKS TO THEIR ONLINE PROFILES . They make it tough to verify the authenticity of those people in real life. Anyone can find a photo online these days, the likelihood of those people knowing their photo is being used is slim. Let’s say the photo is real, why is it secret that they have experience doing what is claimed they can do those things. No proof the team is or can do what position we are telling us what they can do. Fishy!!


They are asking for a lot of money for something that their own website can’t back up. I am involved with a lot different online groups, many people in these groups spend many hours daily investigating ICO’s and their legitimacy. I never heard of Sphere until I stumbled upon it in a Steemit post the other day. Being involved in a variety of communities will surely help you understand if they have even the slightest amount of credibility. They fail in this regard. Not even their Steemit account has been active since they launched their ICO. weak! Their last Steemit post didn’t even include a link to their website. Umm. Why not?

I could go and on but really if they fail these tests no need to look deeper. They have been silent for months. Please do be cautious. If I am wrong I will, I can suck it up and say oops but really…. They have done 80% of everything wrong. No legal backing included in their branding which is one of the most important things to see when a legitimate brand shows up.

I won’t link any of their stuff here other than their Steemit account, sad account, that attracted my attention. They don’t deserve the analytics.

Buyer beware.

Start where I started. where does this trail lead?

Every time a fake ICO comes out and makes money it ruins it for the real ones that come out. Then again maybe they just have one of the Shittiest marketing teams ever and they are 100% real and will change the world. Cough Cough.

Steemit is still King now.

If you scroll through my comments you will see my feelings about this place as of late but it really is still the best option we got for the time being. let's hope they start making a difference for the world and not just a small niche community.

I can't even Google a quality image search of their logo, and that I dug for!

All my crypto wealth came from Steemit, I will always love this place for that. Steemit Changed my life for the better even if it gets on my nerves at times.


Definitely a very good example of the fact that doing your own research is very necessary! Thanks for sharing and I will definitely stay away from this one.

On a different subject what other altcoins do you have on your radar these days ?

oh man. I don't want want to be "Shiller". haha. You got my WeChat right? Ask me there.

Great tips as always. Thanks @solarguy

Thnx for this post! Im getting kind of lost with all these new things in the blockchain world.

that's good analysis...
thank's for sharing

oh man, tahnk you for the information. you are really help me on this case. thank you very much @solarguy. i dont know what will happen if i still follow it.

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