Work Depression – Is it Just Stress or Should You Quit?

in #buy6 years ago (edited)

You report for work every day. You spend more hours with your colleagues and bosses than anyone else in a day. Work is where you earn your money so that you can afford having a roof over your head and food to eat, and support the lifestyle you choose. But what if work is like a living hell that just sucks out the life force off you? How do you know if the depression you feel while working is just stress or a sign that you should quit your job?

Work stress
People who experience depression triggered by stress in the workplace feels a helplessness in their jobs or difficulty facing a challenging task. These people show signs of withdrawal from their colleagues, decreased productivity at work, low self-esteem, bouts of frustration, and sometimes, they just give up or act like they do not care at all about their jobs. Stress is inevitable when you work. You are bound to experience it at some point. But the thing about stress is that it passes – it is temporary. So many people have quit their jobs right away when they feel strong pressure only to regret it later on when they find out that they actually like their job and the people they worked with and the decision was just made under the influence of great stress.

Work depression

People who are depressed because of their jobs are triggered by deeper things than stress. It can be because they think they chose the wrong career – for instance, an artist trapped in a desk job will never get fulfillment or satisfaction or an introvert getting a job that requires a lot of interaction with clients. It can be the lack of work/life balance especially when they are always working long hours. It can be because of financial struggles and they think they are working too hard for low compensation and benefits. Parents also have what they call “working parent guilt” which is common for parents with young children – they constantly think they should be spending more time at home than at work. If you have thoughts about your work that are serious as those specified above, then your job is the problem and it is about time to start thinking about leaving it.

Making the decision

Before you make any rash decisions, think about this clearly. Once you submit that resignation letter then there is no looking back. Take the time to stop and think why you held the job for so long. Is it the great benefits? Job security? Or the fear that you will not find anything else? If you know that you can do better and find something better then, by all means, quit and work towards the next chapter of your life. But if you think you will be letting go of great opportunities when you quit your job, invest instead in anti-stress treatments like buy cbd online to help deal with your work stress. If you have trouble differentiating between work stress and work depression, try talking to a psychologist about it in order to help you reach a conclusion.

Your career is a big part of your life and says who you are and what you can do. You job is not something that you can just walk out off – they might not take you back once you realize you made a mistake. So when you are having a bad day in the office, learn to suck it up and survive. If you know that it is not just a bad day but a bad career, learn to let go and quit in order to find a better job that fulfills you.

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