We Embark on This Journey Together, yet Alone... TeamWork

in #busy6 years ago

Calling All ENGAGED Dolphins, Large Minnows and Orcas! Let's create some teamwork!

*free art from Microsoft

Many of you know I've been here since August 2016, grinding my way to dolphin status and attempting to engage with and encourage others to do the same.

The entire Cryptocurrency Market is a bit depressed and Steem is no exception. We have seen usage and the price dropping for months and although I'm am still involved and engaged there are days that I question whether or not this is a good use of my time.

One of the things that can get me down is that although I am well connected and I get excellent engagement there is a sense of "Doing it Alone". Each day I do a set of activities that I alone decided are good for engagement and adding value. Yet, it is hard to judge whether or not any of them are the best activities or the most effective. Meanwhile, other responsible and engaged stakeholders do their own set of activities. There is no consensus and no cooperation in our efforts.

I wonder if it is time that the Engaged Community creates a group/team and try to find some mutual goals and work together.

In my last company, I lead the "Product Steering Committee" (Yes, I hated the name also) The team's job was to unite on important topics and be the voice of our clients to steer new development, company policy and pretty much anything that impacted End-User Satisfaction.

If any of the Active Dolphins and Large Minnows are game for a weekly meeting where we discuss Challenges, Initiatives and also just provide support for each other let me know in the comment section. Each Meeting would have a topic, minutes and maybe some direct tasks would be determined.

The people I would like to target for this group are daily active users who post, curate, build dApps and are currently investing BOTH time and Stake in the game.

Let's get together once a week or even once a month, discuss Steem, consider how we keep engagement going and support each other's projects!

If there is any interest, I will create a discord schedule weekly meetings and work with those involved to pick a topic. This will be a solution-oriented group that focuses on the tools we currently have to improve distribution, engagement, and user-retention!

See you in the Comments Section


I hope I could be here! Sounds good and yeah I have such experience with that kind of meetings! It always helped to do better and be innovative!


Great idea! I would like to join!

If any of the Active Dolphins and Large Minnows are game for a weekly meeting where we discuss Challenges, Initiatives and also just provide support for each other let me know in the comment section. Each Meeting would have a topic, minutes and maybe some direct tasks would be determined.

Great initiative and I fully support this. I've heard many times in various corners of SteemIt, is we as a community cannot be caught flat-footed as new competitors arise and yes, challenge us. Competition is good. But, being destroyed is not. As you know whatsup, I'm all in to help. Let me know how.

I've been more active in the downturn. I think I got lazy when the rewards were higher. Now I feel like I need to do more. I'm not that bothered about people leaving steemit, I'm sure more will come in the next bull market. It's still quite busy here, I have no problem finding posts to upvote, like this one :)

I think it's a great idea. We have lost a lot of users over my year on the site so ideas on how to keep people and drive the platform can only be a good thing. I'm interested if you want help. I'm not the biggest account but willing to dig in and give a hand to the right kind of project.

I'm interested! Don't know for sure what I can do, but I am investing and growing lol.

Yes, I too have been questioning whether this is all worth it or not. The effort I mean.

But at the end of the day this is the only product of its kind that works and has the user base to back it up. Dan Larimer has been promising Steemit 2.0 and Bitshares 2.0 for months now on EOS and still no delivery.

So for now. I'm still here and still mostly engaged. Even though my posting frequency has dropped off the last few months. I am all for a "meeting of the minds" that are still interested in growing what we have here.

Hi whatsup. I am too small to really add value but would love to join once I have grown a little.

The Steemit community has already shown what it is capable of when it comes together and works towards a common goal! My account is not that big so I probably can join but if decisions to take community action come out of these meetings I would gladly support them like we all did with the netcoins thing!

I'd be interested. I've got some ideas I'd like to bounce off people. :)

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