Trolling around looking to be offended...

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

I watched an interesting exchange today. I was reading a Steem Post from a well known and respected Steem Author. In the comment section, I noticed another account accusing the OP of using antisemitic pictures and demanded that the OP remove the picture.

I went back through the post and I couldn't find anything that seemed antisemitic at all. I admit I am not always the most sensitive to such issues, so I asked THE OFFENDED ONE to please help educate me about what was antisemitic. (I don't always know)

The offended one responded with an entire article about all the things a person could say or do to offend a "Jewish Person". Wow, it was quite a list and even still I could not find any problems or reference to anything racist at all in the post.

Later the one who was offended apologized and said a picture looked like a Jewish person to him/her. (so even if it had been, is it now racist to show a picture of someone who looks Jewish?)

Wow! Really?

I know I am not the most sensitive person in the world to these issues, but who goes around looking to be offended to the point they read into things that had no racist intent at all.

I've never been a huge fan of the PC culture, but it is so over the top now...



I resigned myself years ago to the fact my very existence was enough to probably trigger 20% of those in my area. Everyone says invest in crypto, thinking the margins might be larger in tissues and shrinks. Maybe we can start an ICO to build physical safe spaces. We could call it Bubble Coin.

lol... safe space.. boo

It has risen to the level of ridiculousness. I am refusing to engage in the bait that is being dangled in front us constantly by the Media.

Totally agree. They won't get their 15 minutes of fame from me.

Yeah, that is a good strategy.

!tips 1 drama token :)

link? that picture , that guy is not jewish

I saw the same thing, though I left at the very first comment, because I didn't want to see the potential ensuing shit show, but I imagined the person that was offended perhaps had dealt with antisemitism in the past or was insecure and therefor overly responsive to perceived attacks or put downs to Jewish people.

The world is getting chaotic and I think this is bleeding into people's world view and everyone feels under attack.

Although, I think it's not about the person necessarily just looking jewish, it's probably that the jewish looking guy is dirty and looks like a caricature of a disheveled older person.

I'm not offended by it, but I can see someone that has some type of pain or sensitivity around the issue feeling badly and overreacting.

I think it's fine to call these types of over reactions out, but I will say that reading the comments here, I think too many people feel that to combat some peoples feelings of oversensitivity that they must ridicule the other person. I think It's good enough to just call it out and say, "hey dude, I think maybe your being oversensitive" and leave it at that.

While I get your point, I would say, it is not okay to go around transferring your pain to others.

It's a picture of a homeless guy. I've seen homeless guys in all ranges of color.

Seem like the very definition of profiling to decide his nose looks Jewish. :)

I saw that... the hype of anything appearing to insult the "Jewish" identity is pervasive in our society.

Strange to seek some sort of victimhood.

I am really surprise at this height of accusation towards someone that his creative works does not in any way related to anything racist. That a picture looks like a Jewish picture does not have anything to do with been racist . This is a free world and we shouldn't be subject to unwanted scrutiny by any person or group

It was a weird exchange, especially the tone.

The offended one said... "I expected better from you.." sheesh.

Welcome to wacky world, where everyone is offended. I try not to go out of my way to annoy people but I'm a bit offended by those who always take offense. Please pardon this meme:


Those who get offended, offend ME.

I was very confused by this too.


People get offended by everything nowadays. Pretty sad.

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