
Have to agree with you on the culture issue.
People can earn on here by learning the craft of content creation and applying it. Will take time but the site is a marathon not a sprint.

I was outspokenly opposed to the changes

The Steem blockchain, our developers and the community have had a busy couple of weeks.

One doesn't participate in something they don't like, they certainly don't celebrate it nor rub salt into the wounds of those who suffered from it. The problem this site suffers from is to much self interest, greed. Yes you can move forward without sticking the knife further into people's hearts, just find something else to write's just that simple. No amount of pushing this is going to make steemit's value rise, it was just the wrong answer. It caught to many good people along with the bad. Doesn't matter if it was small bad accounts or large bad accounts those who weren't bad were impacted in a negative way.

Like @whatsup I was not pleased about the EIP .. but it is what it is.

We were around for the super linear curve which really tilted everything in favour of the whales without any chance of it coming back to linear at some point.

I am curious though, how exactly has it hurt you? I just took a look at your blog and I'm not seeing much in the way of change, good or bad, on your posts.

If you can find where I said it was personally hurting me please do highlight that in a quote. I've never had high expectations on here, that doesn't mean I can't feel for the real people who have been hurt. I am not changing who I am, good, bad or indifferent, I'll forge ahead being who I've always been. It's a hobby, I don't consider it an investment unless I would have actually invested money into it. What I earn on here more than likely will be exactly where it currently resides the day I leave this earth.

so who has been hurt and how then? you speak as you're speaking for them... so, examples?

As much as I have not been a fan of the EIP, we're too early into the results to be able to demonstrably state anyone has been hurt.

IF people can move beyond broad sweeping statements and make the argument against the results of the EIP to the top 20 with actual facts, then something may change. Until then, it is what it is.

Enjoy some !SHADE 2

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You just have to look at what's being posted to see whom I am talking about, here's a fresh post I seen today:

As far as giving time to see results read the comments in this post as I gave a reply to someone who stated it will take time to see results.

so at this point that post of hers is worth double or more of what most of her posts are worth. She has a pile of low and no value votes on there. All it will take over the next 6+ days before payout is a few more votes with some value on for that post payout to shoot up higher .. that is the nature of non-linear voting.

she hasn't been hurt at all.. in fact she's ahead from where she normally is

Not in her opinion....and she said it got a good vote from someone that boosted it up a little on that post.

well knowing her as I have ... that's an indication that all is normal. She's consistently butthurt most of the time. She did get a decent upvote and instead of seeing a positive she clung to her negative.

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No, you are wrong. Many people do participate in what they don't like...

Ever had a job, a marriage, played a sport, raised children. Good times come and go and you don't get to make all the decisions. I own 3k worth of Stake. I get to participate, not rule. That's your problem, you don't know how to compromise I guess.

I'm sure you going to tell me that's because you have such a strong character. That's what all my way or the highway people say.

It's this simple sunshine. Sometimes you don't get your way and you stay and work and hope for the best.

You make the craziest statements. I wonder if you have been successful before or if you shop at stores you hate and complain to the manager every time, instead of finding a new store.

I don't get you at all. I've been polite to you all along, I don't care that you disagree, but you don't even make sense. That gets annoying.

Ever had a job, a marriage, played a sport, raised children.

This isn't a job, a marriage, sport or raising children, some of those things are necessity and you do regardless. Participating in decision making on a blogging platform has a alternate choice available. If you decide not to participate your are not going to lose your job, marriage or children.

That's okay you don't get me, lots of people don't, that's why I stay on the outer fringes, it just works best for me. Yes you are polite but a bit to wishy washy for me. That gets annoying.

*” If you decide not to participate your are not going to lose your job, marriage or children.”

Never heard of divorce, then?

Ever heard of reading comprehension, could be a momentary lapse but it's lacking in this instance.

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