It Is All About the Eyes

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Where People Gather an Economy Develops - It Is All About the Eyes

Growth in the value of Steem is all about the number of eyes viewing the frontends, usually measured in transactions, page refreshes, etc.

That is what brings e-commerce, ads and additional investors. People want to build, where people want to live.

Gatherings of people naturally create trading groups

Historians believe that cavemen traded bones and tools.

Kids at lunch tables create elaborate trading exchanges

You can look at the population distribution in the USA and see where people traveled, cities and centers for trade developed.

Craigslist, e-Bay, and Poloniex were created because people needed a place to gather and trade valuable goods and services online. This happened because people were online.

The same concept is being created here.

I believe this would be recreated, anywhere you put a tribe of people.

An Economy is being created on Steem and it will grow as more users are potential customers, advertisers and consumers.

An Unexpected part of the Economy

As much as everyone hates them, the bidding bots are a part of that economy today, people use them to market their posts. The effectiveness can be rightly questioned, but they developed because there is a demand for votes and visibility.

Projects like SteemMonsters also bring real money into the economy.

What about the Ads?

And there is nothing stopping companies from advertising here currently here is an example of how it could play out... I've used this before in another post, but it is relevant here.

The more people who gather here the more an economy will naturally happen - Here is an imaginary situation where a company buys in to advertise.

At some point, Coke or Pepsi or another large company may purchase some Steem and create an account. (we aren't there yet)

Based on other Internet business models, my guess is they would get people to interact with their account by giving away free services or products.

Some people on Steem will be upset about large corporations joining and will try to flag those companies.

This may work for a while, but if current users keep flagging, and there are enough eyes here to motivate Coke, they will buy into the "Stake Based System". (They could even buy enough stake to vote for their own witnesses)

Many users may become angry and leave, so Coke has to be careful to retain the "eyes" if they want their purchase to provide returns in name recognition or sales.

It is all a balancing act

Whether you think it is a good thing or a bad thing, the more eyes we have on Steem, the more value and potential it will gain from creative, motivated people.

It is just how it works.

This is why I find it is in my self-interest to help others, engage and encourage new users to feel successful within the Steem Economy.



I know there's a smart way for advertisers to use this platform. The main problem is that most of the content on this blockchain is self-serving. Few people come here for the content, but rather to create content for others to curate so they can get some money. It's a bit of a problem, and has been for a long time. The platform needs to become more attractive to casual users rather than creators for it to be attractive to advertisers.

That's my gestalt anyway.

btw: yours is one of the few accounts I actually follow for the content :)

I totally agree, all of us, including me... We tend to like our own content a lot. :)

Thank you for the nice compliment.

So true. We definitely need more consumers rather than creators. Cant agree more with you!

We must write and provide content for people who do not use Steemit to create content, that is, Steemit becomes a place that people can visit to see something interesting.

From a business person's view, early adoption phase is not really the one to enter. Traditional businesses are rooted in existing business offerings & models and even blockchain may be too theoretical to attract real attention.

Being early adopters means some things often including the feeling of loneliness and wondering where everyone is. We are just building it and they will come.

Maybe like cryptokitties was a failed (in certain terms) experiment on the ETH blockchain, it was necessary to open minds and attract attention. The Netcoins thing was a neat demonstration of the power of community and that is in a huge crypto bear market.

Like buying crypto at the bottom of a cycle and waiting for it to appreciate again, we are just hammering out our stake and building a foundation.

Crisis + Time = humour and I think we will look back on these fun dark times and laugh together.

Oh yeah, I'm a bit tired and burnt out, but I am not that upset about where we are. I think it is good sometimes to play out how this could all go down.

For sure. You have to account for the risk and plan for it if you are going to be successful at anything. Optimistic but no rose-coloured glasses.

I am just thinking if I was running a travel agency, had someone tell me about this great money making blockchain, and showed me the 2$ posts, I would probably nix that and tell them to sell something to a person.

The time will come.

Steemit is a little off now, or maybe it's just my impression. However, the ironic thing is that we worry about creating original content, that is, except for one or another misfit, most create their own content, however, I have seen other pages that practically do what they do is copy and paste the information from another site, and they get many visits. I do not suggest we do the same, but I think we need to write not only things to be read by Steemians, but also to interest people outside of Steemit.

Steemit is a little off now, or maybe it's just my impression. However, the ironic thing is that we worry about creating original content, that is, except for one or another misfit, most create their own content, however, I have seen other pages that practically do what they do is copy and paste the information from another site, and they get many visits. I do not suggest we do the same, but I think we need to write not only things to be read by Steemians, but also to interest people outside of Steemit.

I think this is a valid argument. Maybe not a search engine type platform but between that and a article directory where people can access info. as well as get unique articles. I don't know.

Could not agree more, and quality content helps to move the needle in that direction!

Will be great to see big brands to come but right now the market is too small for them.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, I totally agree. It will start with local to Steem projects and then expand. We can see that now on the trending page.

You painted a very good pic of what might happen once a big corporation with a lot of access catches wind of steem

The whole game will change, but I agree a balance will set in.

Gonna be huge for us who invested early and are in for the long haul tho!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Reading about the part if pepsi or coke coming onto steem had me think about esports coming onto steem and its streaming platforms. Or even sponsoring players or hosting tournaments.

Wow that would be cool. We do need a sports app! I don't think we have any yet.

I would defiantly love to try and get something going. But it will be a long process.

Posted using Partiko Android

Upvoting because yet again you have gotten me thinking. But not because I agree that advertising is a good idea and don't get me started on coke or you'll wish I was sticking to trannies :)

Coca-Cola is toxic arse juice, and the criminals who run the company should be arrested. Coke Adds Death.

Now check out how to do it properly!

It's a food like product with a strong lobby, if we stick to the facts I will likely agree!

I suspect it's all new to many Americans, but holy crap do we have some facts!

Once traditional organizations see how engaging STEEM can be given the ecosystem being built and the fact that attention could be compensated directly to potential customers instead of middle men, many more will come on board to join. However, that is where the DApss being built need to innovative to build a great user interface that provides a seamless user experience which is an important factor these days.

Good points. I know many content creators that earn very little even in mainstream freelance arenas.

Believe it or not, there was already a corporate Travel company who's already set up shop here when I joined in Dec '17. I forgot the company but it was either Expedia or - they even had a dedicated ambassador here just interact with Steemit. But because whatever that's been going on with Steeemit can continue to this day, I haven't seen a single post from them in Months. Something miraculous has to happen on this platform to attract more people.

Right now it's just bands of cliques doing their own thing without mass adoption.

yeah I remember that I think Cryptogee had some connection or at least voted for it.

Many of our investors aren't business people, for the most part they are coin stackers and can't see past their own need to acquire tokens instead of build value. It's pretty sad. We have already squandered a lot of opportunities. Because they don't like this or that about a project or account.

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