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RE: The Holy Blockchain

in #busy6 years ago

People need faith in order to move forward. True. But there is this another component you mentioned but didn’t want (probably :p ) to focus on: society moves forward when its continuity is put to test (wars, famine, plagues etc). Though we fear each of the above, if we check history on the big picture, we moved forward and made “that leap” (especially technologically) after we got decimated 😬
I guess blockchain is so interesting because, when we speak about financial control, it promises that it will put back the power in the hands of the people, this time for good, by taking the power from the banking system. It’s important that this new wave of thinkers in this field of application, have a new paradigm to try to make it work. From this frenzy, some “cathedrals” will surely arise :)


Are you saying that we need to decimate our current banking/financial foundations before we can truly move on with crypto and blockchain? Now THAT'S truly horrific, isn't it?

Nop...I’m just saying what I think blockchain and it’s fanatic discipols promiss.0 You don’t see my wallet filled with my salary, do you? 😝

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