Weekly STEEMST Rankings Update - October 8, 2019

in #busy5 years ago

Hello everyone, it is time once again to post my weekly steemit journey. Basically it is a weekly post on my rankings on https://steemst.com, namely on reputation, effective SP, and total STEEM. So for last week this was our previous rankings:

Previous weeks rankings and stats:

Rank based on Total Steem: 4937
Rank based on Effective Steem Power: 4062
Rank based on Reputation: 4296

Total Steem: 2,898
Effective Steem Power: 2072
Reputation: 63.64374

This weeks rankings:

Ranked 4973 on Total Steem


As of now I have a total of 2,909 STEEM +11 STEEM, from the previous week, and for this week my rank has decreased 36 places.

Ranked 4050 on Effective SP


As of now I have a total of 2083 Effective Steem Power, +11 SP since last week. For this week I went up 12 ranks based on Effective steem right now on the rank 4050.

Ranked 4293 on Reputation


As of now I have 63.74346 Reputation from last weeks 63.69132 reputation an increase of 0.05214 Reputation. For this week on the reputation rankings my rank has increased 3 places now at 4293.

Analysis and results

Last Weeks Results:

Rank based on Total Steem: 4937
Rank based on Effective Steem Power: 4062
Rank based on Reputation: 4296

Total Steem: 2,898
Effective Steem Power: 2072
Reputation: 63.64374

This Weeks Results:

Rank based on Total Steem: 4973(-36)
Rank based on Effective Steem Power: 4050(+12)
Rank based on Reputation: 4293(+3)

Total Steem: 2,909(+11)
Effective Steem Power: 2083(+11)
Reputation: 63.74346(+0.05214)

All categories going up, great news!


You ready for the NBA!!

Yeah man, can't believe the start is so close again. Who do you think will win it this year?

I’m going with the clippers. You?

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think the Lakers will win it this year. As long as they are healthy, their front court is scary.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63837.42
ETH 2539.78
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65