Random 隨寫# 11 有些病人

in #busy6 years ago

前陣子有個病人, 蠻逗的, 跟大家分享一下。

二月前回港時看過他, 水電工, 坐骨神經痛, 但痛感不是太嚴重, 主要是聽老婆(我之前的病人)來診所給我看看。
他用現金買了一個package, 3次的針灸治療。
o (1).jpg

我在當天跟他說了我二月會回港一次, 三星期後回來, 你需要約時間的, 可以打電話或上網約時間。

時光飛逝, 很快來到四月中, 一天, 突然收到他的電話。一連打了7個電話來。
He: Debbie, I need a refund.
D: Sure, how do you want the refund?
He: I do not want refund.
D: ... ... Oh, what can I do for you then?
He: I saw you back in Feb before your trip but you never tell me when should I come back for my next treatment. I did a lot of researches online, I need to do acupuncture twice a week ... ... ... ...
D: (Let him finished) as we discussed before your next appointment will be based on your situation.
He: keep saying he needs to come more often... ... ... ... so when is your next availability?
D: Today is fully booked, what about tomorrow or Thursday?
He: What time do you have on Thursday?
D: I have one opening left at 3pm?
He: You do not have option for me?
D: ??!
He: I can't come after work, I need to go home first..... .... .....
D: (Let him finished) Hmmm....Ok.....so....?
He: Let's do 3pm on Thursday.
D: .... .... ok, let me put you down on schedule. By the way, I am just curious that did someone turn downs your appointment after I came back? I came back in the beginning of March, did you try to call and make appointment? (I wanna make sure my partner did not turn his request down.)
He: No, I did not call and make any appointment. I am busy and do not have time......
D: ... ........ ........ Thank you and see you on Thursday.

Thursday appointment, met him and finished treatment.
He called again for an appointment, I asked him to come anytime during the day. He showed up with a bottle of wine. He said he made this wine by himself and he wanted to share with me.

Now, 有沒有人告訴我, 這到底是甚麼酒?
還有更重要的是, 我到底要不要喝?

WhatsApp Image 2018-04-29 at 10.09.19 PM.jpeg











我倒是好奇你會喝嗎😂 😂


好奇是什麼酒,不如你先喝了,然後開個Post說說感受😂 😂

Um... 先聚集勇氣

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