I wonder if Kanye is going to be vice president for 2020.

in #busy6 years ago

Its already concluded that Trump is the next president. Hillary and Bernie are planning to run again apparently lol... So is Kanye the wild card here?

In the video he is literally talking about changing the 13nth amendment to ... be more open that its slavery??


If Kanye runs as vice so he can get trumps campaign when he runs for president...sneaky good

I think this is actually going to happen. It will be interesting.

Nah cuz he is a gay fish XD

the 13th amendment allows slavery in prisons which is why for-profit prisons exist so well and are also racially biased.

other than that, he's a fucking moron, and none of these people will get any power going forward. if Hillary tries to run again she will likely be assassinated because nobody wants to deal with her wicked witch attitude, and if Bernie were to run he'd easily wipe the floor with that orange goofball.

Bernie were to run he'd easily wipe the floor with that orange goofball.

I am pretty salty at Bernie for taking that bribe money from Hillary. I think most of us are. Kanye might be a moron but at least he isn't a spineless traitor. Bernie can find a place to die for all I care about at this point. I hope he keels over in that fancy extra house Hillary bought him.

I'm guessing you don't really keep up with the news (not guessing, already know this) as he is doing great work in the Senate and stuff, but sure, he did one bad thing. Doesn't mean he won't destroy the free speech hating goofball we have in the white house

I'm guessing you don't really keep up with the news (not guessing, already know this) as he is doing great work in the Senate and stuff, but sure, he did one bad thing. Doesn't mean he won't destroy the free speech hating goofball we have in the white house

Been keeping up. Though I learned ages ago not to watch normie NPC news like CNN if that is what you are talking about. I mostly pay attention to alt media, biz/pol and dtube/youtube.

Bernie is a pile of worthless shit who sold us all down the river for a quick buck and I hope he fucking vanishes. All he needed to do was grow a pair and party up with Jill and the cancerous Hillary would have been BTFO. He will never have the conviction to ever be able to be a president. The bar is so low right now that I can no bullshit see Kanye being president in 2024...

please don't tell me you just said NPC unironically lol i cant right now

Get with the times!
You just said I am not keeping up with stuff and now you getting all NPC on me. Stop running those scripts and adapt please :D

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