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RE: Getting paperwork done in a 3rd world country: A Tolkien worthy odyssey

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Where do I start? Please google the most corrupt nations on Earth and I bet you will find my country.

Currently, people are dying from floods and resources to get them out of the flooded areas seem limited yet we are hiring Cuban doctors at salaries our doctors have been striking to get a half of, at the very least.

Recently, a group of known politicians in the ruling government looted billions of dollars from the already collapsing health sector. We made news worldwide when ignorance made doctors operate on the wrong head and nothing has been done about it.

We also became news when patients reported being raped in the largest hospital in Kenya and East Africa and nothing has been done about it.

We were the first to have a General Election in the whole of Africa be nullified last year over irregularities then held another one three months later only kill each other over it. It's our thing... I mean being controlled by tribal leaders and always ending up having post-election violence.

Should I keep going?

We are struggling with infrastructure yet we pay our members of parliament lavishly. We don't have good roads to get the already locally available food to remote places where people keep dying of hunger but our leaders are known to smuggle public funds to overseas accounts.

Our education system is unbalanced and so is the justice system. If you hail from a poor background, tough luck. That includes access even to health services.

Let me put a full stop to this long depressing reply even though it doesn't end there... :( You can call me the overwhelmed Kenyan!

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