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RE: Chrome Devices in Education and the Login Conundrum

in #busy5 years ago

An interesting post and question, looking at my grandkids here in the states I say they can remember log ones and passwords from a very early age, And I think using a computer can be very beneficial if managed well but he parents, I personally thing my Grandkids spend two must time on their various devices and there should be time limited but maybe thats just showing my age.

BUt One thing I am sure they hate when I am ther eis I insist at the very least no devices of any sort at the table when we are eating together as a family


I agree, I think moderation is very key. I also think there are some things that are better taught without technology. I learned how to type on a typewriter with a book so when a teacher tells me they don't like a typing program because it doesn't have enough games for the kids, I just have to shake my head and laugh.

Maybe you shaking your head and laughing is a sign of your age LOL
But that said I would laugh as well

Oh no - devices at dinner time! I always complain if my neice and nephew use their phones at mealtimes too (though quite often it's their mum who's on her phone!).

glad its not just me and its the same for me, the grandkids now accept my rule their parents not so much LOL

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