Is Steem Heading For A New Coke Moment???steemCreated with Sketch.

in #busy5 years ago

For those who are not old enough to remember this mess, New Coke was a genius idea by some strung out knucklehead at the Coca-Cola company in the 1980s. They decided to radically alter the formula for Coke, after more than 90 years. Coke, if memory serves me, was the best selling soft drink at that time although it had been losing market share.

New Coke was introduced and the old formula scrapped. Based upon taste tests, people indicated they preferred the sweeter taste of Pepsi. The taste tests were wrong.

The new formula bombed severely. It was so bad that the original formula was brought back within 3 months. Renamed "Coca-Cola Classic", it still is in the same form more than 30 years later.

So why do I bring this up?

It appears the Witnesses are going to accept a proposal from Steemit Inc. regarding Hard Fork 21. This is going to radically alter the basis of how Steem operates.

To start, I have one question for all Witnesses: When has Steemit Inc ever shown itself to have the community's best interest at heart?

I will grant the organization was better the last 6 months but after the previous 3 years, is it wise to trust them? I do not believe it is at this point.

This proposal went from idea to Hard Fork in a very quick period of time. Is this also wise?

Here is something that was said, I presume, tongue in cheek but it does drive home the point.


Do you all remember Hard Fork 20? It was a complete goat f*ck. Witnesses did NOT do their job ensuring that the system was protected. All ability to post was wiped out for most accounts. The sudden shift to Resource Credits left a lot of smaller accounts without the ability to do anything even after things were restored over a week later.

Aren't the Witnesses suppose to be looking out for the community?

So now we are suppose to trust that something goes from an idea to Hard Fork in about a month is well vetted?

@timcliff wrote up a post about the Hard Fork and his thoughts on it. It is a worthwhile read before proceeding further to get an idea of what changes are taking place.

I want to thank Tim for writing that and for explaining the changes that are on the table.. What I am posting here is nothing against him personally. I used him as an example although he is far from unique in this.

Unfortunately, his post is full of "I do not knows" and "we are not sures". This is another major red flag to me. How can we be considering implementing something so drastic and fundamentally altering on a "we have no idea if it will work but we are bound to just try something"?

Here is what the goal is:

It means more money going into the hands of users who are contributing to the value of Steem, and less money going into the hands of the users who are just here to leach. Hopefully, this leads to more value being generated - which can potentially lead to a higher STEEM price.

Leaving the "hopefully" aside, how on earth does anyone think that this will end up in the hands of people contributing? Are we to believe the smaller accounts will be better off than they are today?

Look at the math that @preparedwombat did.


Even if the math is not exact since the voting rewards have variables such as when they took place, the point is there. The drop in author payout is even bigger since the funding of proposals that is being also taken out of the reward pool.


So now we are going to see the smaller accounts' payout affected not only by a reduced reward pool (which is fine, we should fund worker proposals in some manner because they can provide a great deal of value) but we are also taking the measly amount they get and cutting it down significantly.

How are they suppose to make it up? By curating themselves? What is the curation when a vote is worth .002?

So what is the goal here? Is it for smaller accounts to make even less money while larger ones (including bid bots) take home bigger chunks?

Surely we are not going to lean on that manual curation idea. Does anyone think the larger accounts are going to upvote a couple hundred minnows and planktons a week?

Not to pick on Tim but let us look at his voting record over the past two weeks.


Is this suddenly going to change? Are these Orcas and Whales suddenly going to start to spread the upvotes around a lot more to compensate for the loss in author rewards that these smaller accounts are experiencing?

The answer is no simply because it is impossible. There is no way that any of these people can manually curate hundreds of accounts a day, every day. There is not enough hours unless one is curating full time. And even then, how do you find the smaller accounts? The ability to find content on this blockchain sucks (perhaps that is something that should be addressed first) so how is Mr. Whale going to find Ms. Quality Content Newbie?

So, once again, what is the goal? Is it to have a thriving ecosystem with smaller accounts coming on and beginning their journey? Or is it to enrich the few who has a lot of SP who can take a larger chunk by curating.

Another issue I have is the narrative that this will stop the bid bots. How is that even a logical outcome? The amount they are receiving is going to increase. Their curation just jumped. And with less of a payout to authors, there is even more (not less) incentive to use them to get some attention. They can do the math and adjust their algorithm accordingly.

I can tell you bid bot owners are some pretty smart people and they are not going to just allow the rug to be pulled out from under them. Mark my words, this will be a windfall.

What I do know though, is we need some major changes to the system in order to even have a chance of getting there.

Okay how about this, every Orca and Whale, for the next 6 months, manually curate 50 accounts a day with under 1,000 SP. Do it without changing the system and giving the larger percentage of the rewards to the accounts who need it most. That would radically change the system.

Not going to happen? So why should we believe that the larger accounts will do it when the getting a bigger piece of the pie?

How about dealing with the on-boarding issue? As mentioned, perhaps a better way to search out content would be more productive?

Maybe use SMTs to alter the compensation people receive? Not done yet. How about waiting for them to come into being before making base changes?

There are a lot of things that can be addressed which will have more certain impact.

To me, this feels like the Witnesses are throwing toilet paper against the wall in hopes that something sticks.

Not exactly what I want to see from the Witnesses.

I can only hope we are not having a New Coke moment.

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Cutting author payouts seems to be a bad idea. After all it is authors who generate the content. If their incentives drop then less quality content will be produced.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I would agree. Some believe it will increase payouts but I do not see it for the vast percentage of the accounts. Most will get less and will not get increased votes to compensate for it.

Since I do believe the bid bots are going to get more powerful, that will cause them to have even a bigger influence.

Paid promotion is really going to take on new meaning in my estimation.

No, they will die under this model if everyone with stake uses their 2 free downvotes per day.
I know not everybody will use the downvotes, but if they did, bidbots would have no chance in hell.

They have to change the algorithm to make it (on paper) profitable for the users. But what happens if all those highly upvoted posts will get a lot of downvotes? I would join a flagging group to counter bidbots upvotes...
Lets say someone consistently sends 30 steem to a bidbot and his post gets downvoted to just 5STU. I am sure they are gonna do that 2-3 times max and think to
themselves never again... Why lose 100 steem on bidbots?

i can hardly wait to downvote an orca with my massive new curve vote of 0.02$ 2500 ps. i can't wait to get auto bot downvoted with 1% of his free downvote. yap that is what i can't wait to do.

I will disagree for a couple of reasons.

To start, much of the stake is with people who own bidbots themselves. Think of how many witnesses run those services. Secondly, a lot of the stake is invested in bid bots. This stake is certainly not going to downvote people who use the services.

The other piece of the puzzle is the tendency for flag wars. In my, just under 2 years, on here, we saw two major flag wars. The fallout of them was great. So I am sorry, but I cannot buy into the idea that the majority of the stake will be used for purposes being proposed. I have a feeling the masses are going to engage in behavior like we saw in the past. They did it when it cost them VP and now they will have 20% free to use on downvotes.

I cannot buy into the presumption of responsible use based upon past history.

This looks serious @gtg @exyle

If they cared about abuse and quality content it would show.

I totally agree!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great to have some more opposition to this bad idea. I commented on it in posts where it's being advocated. I just don't see this working out as many of the proponents claim. The driving down bid bot use, and increase quality content on the platform, seems like a bad joke or deception to try to pass one over on the community, lulling us into complacent acceptance with this push. Resteemed ;)

We have no voice, we are steemit inc whores.

How about dealing with the on-boarding issue? As mentioned, perhaps a better way to search out content would be more productive?

Maybe use SMTs to alter the compensation people receive? Not done yet. How about waiting for them to come into being before making base changes?

Both of these ideas would be a lot more productive I think!

That’s exactly my line of thinking! To me debating rewards is sort of the minutia of the problem! We have too few users and a terrible UX to find content! Fix those things and we can start to worry about rewards later!

Rewards only affect the people who are here not the majority of the world who don’t know the site exists!

At this moment we just have people producing content for contents sake and very little real consumers of content/passive steemians! Like any social media you actually need an audience to be able to reach and amplify your content to but instead it’s just all about who gets what’s reward pool inflation

Posted using Partiko iOS


I get the issue and understand how bad curation is threatening Steem but given what I’ve read here and from others I think I agree with you. This payout change isn’t going to help increase curation and could actually increase bot payouts.

Posted using Partiko iOS

But as Steem will drown to 0.001 usd even the biggest bots will loose money as well... with these idiots steering the ship this will go under...

How do you see Steem dropping that much? I don’t think this update is that bad

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think the real value is going to start coming from custom tokens. I could be wrong about that, but that's just me. After all, if those custom tokens get valuable enough, one could easily convert them back.

Posted using Partiko Android

I do believe that SMTs offer a great deal. That is another reason to wait and see how they perform. To make this move before the introduction of SMTs, which Steemit Inc claims are fairly close, makes little sense.

They could be a game changer and radically alter how people interact on here. Instead, we are looking to radically change the base layer on total unknowns.

I've been following all the community initiatives that have been attempting to fill in the gaps prior to these coming out. I think that's what we ought to be focusing on for the time being.

Posted using Partiko Android

This HF seems very fishy too me!

Posted using Partiko iOS

It's a good point that the hope that manual curation would increase is most likely misplaced. Your argument that manual curators with large upvotes would quite simply not have time to do that. That's why the distribution bot @ocdb is such a great thing. What it does is speed up the process by which stake distribution improves with the secondary benefit of improving the average quality of content. @nonsowrites suggested that instead of the reward system change, Steemit Inc should consider delegating more to communities where distribution takes place in a natural manner. That actually makes much more sense than any kind of tweaking of the reward distribution. It was such a shame that Musing and DSound lost their delegation. DSound in particular was a pretty awesome community. Ned said he pulled the delegation from DSound because he hadn't heard about it, which was a pretty arrogant move, as he should've considered choosing the cuts from a wider point of view. I'm glad that he's no longer CEO at Steemit Inc.

The argument has been put forward that 50/50 curation has yielded good results on Maybe. But how big is Could it be that manual curation actually works better on very small platforms despite a possibly very top heavy stake distribution? Maybe Steem is already too large for manual curation to work without delegations to communities.

Then again, maybe this change will not make a big difference - one way or another. I

It would be nice if there was a way to vote about all this as a community, the entire change also makes little sense to me. The only thing that we can do I guess is giving or removing witnesses votes but I have no clue who stands where. It all feels like you have been saying a conflict of interest that will just be implemented without a clear voting mechanism.

I really hope this all ends well.

vote for witnesses who reject hf21...

HF-20 was so bad, i called for its immediate reversal.
To which was responded, "they can't".

All the pieces in this new hard fork seem reversible...

So, to fight the bid bots, they are going to close one hole, and open another, potentially BIGGER hole.

Where, lets say you are selling votes, and now, you can't offer as much reward to the post, so your price has to go down, but you will get a much bigger curration coming back , so you make more money.

Or basically, instead of having one account for bot bidding, you have two. And we all know how easy it is to have two accounts now with RCs.

In the end, this is an ill conceived hard fork.
It will not do anything they are saying... so what is steemit's real intentions?

And, that search function, i have been replying about that for years now. It is truly what they should have been working on. It is the most important thing bar something that just crashes steem.

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