Caspian: Easing the pain of managing portfolios

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Managing information/data/assets can be a daunting task, especially when this information is not available in a central location.
In most cases, users are stuck with these cumbersome processes, because there aren’t any solutions addressing this problem effectively.

With the growth of the crypto industry, and as more cryptocurrencies and exchanges spring up, this will only get worse.


Caspian wants to ensure that the management/monitoring of digital assets is done in an easy and orderly manner, doing away with every complicated process. With Caspian, investments from a single portfolio across multiple exchanges can be easily managed. This is important, because it leads to improved efficiency, productivity and also ensures that processes are streamlined.
The Caspian ecosystem ensures that the compilation of prices, orders, bid/ask information, execution from various exchanges, positions and accounts are all available in a central location.
Users can then use this information to send unique requests to each and every exchange, or use Caspian’s Smart Order Router to handle this.

Its benefits can be split into three groups, namely:

  • Execution
  • Position Management
  • Compliance

3.1 EXECUTION: Caspian ensures that users have control from a central point. This interface ensures that:

  • Users have access to multiple crypto exchanges from one location
  • Have the ability to manage assets
  • Access to view/manage margin across all exchanges in use.
  • With the help of API’s, traders are able to send orders and slices, receive pricing information, exposure information, and other related transaction information.
  • Have the choice of how and when to make use of SOR (Smart Order Router)
  • Provision made for messaging, for every order related action that can be taken.
  • Create audit reports for activities carried within the ecosystem.
  • View progress of orders/slices.

These are a few among a host of possibilities Caspian offers.

Smart Order Router(SOR) ensures that all assets can be handled as if it were a single unit.
Users will also be able to outline rules for managing orders, using a simple rule-based language.

3.2 POSITION MANAGEMENT: The use of PMS and RMS ensures that users are able to evaluate their activities. They will be able to easily monitor profits and losses, positions, and exposures.
This will enable users also have comprehensive reports.

This tool is critical to teams, because it ensures that reconciliation of records is not as tedious as it will have been, seeing everything is a few clicks away.

3.3 COMPLIANCE: Caspian ensures that users experience almost zero latency, with a 99.99% uptime. Its compliance engine ensures that new limits and compliance rules can be effected efficiently. Caspian’s functions cover both pre-trade and post-trade workflows.

Caspian will also be able to compile reports in simple “flat files”, which will ensure that vivid reports, such as graphs can be easily made from them.

Data from the various exchanges in use, can also be imported, ensuring that such data is available in one central location.
Caspian also has plans to have a dashboard integrated. User will be able to view and change the type of charts to view, as well as save/send edited visualisations.
4.1 ARCHITECTURE: The Caspian ecosystem is cloud based. Its functions can be accessed via great to use user interfaces, and easy to implement API’s. It also has distributed services built around a microservice architecture.

This ensures that users have a myriad of options with regards to connectivity. Caspian is also flexible, ensuring that users can connect with their private clouds and businesses can integrate with major cloud computing platforms, accessible in traditional markets.

4.2 PERFORMANCE: Caspian has been designed to handle huge processing volumes, with low latency for messages. It can process up to 50,000 orders and 400,000 executions per day for each user. Throughput of more than 2500 orders/sec.


4.3 SCALABILITY: Caspian ensures that data and communications channels are partitioned into separate compartments for users. This ensures that the load of each threshold doesn’t exceed set limits. If these limits are exceeded, then they are compensated for, manually or automatically.

4.4 RELIABILITY: Having a 99.99% uptime ensures that users can have a hitch-free experience with almost no downtime, save for maintenance and upgrades. Load balancing ensures that resources are used optimally, and not having a single point of failure ensures that in the event of a breakdown in service, users will not be shut out, but will still be able to carry out their activities.

4.5 SECURITY: Caspian ensures the integrity of its platform by limiting the number of people that can have access to the back-end, employing the use of secure log-ins that make use of two-factor authentication, making use of whitelisted IP addresses, and also by handling connections via encrypted connections or private lines.


4.6 SUPPORT: Caspian will have a multilingual support team, who draw from a wealth of experience. Trading related issues are given priority, and all issues are attended to in an orderly and timely fashion.

4.7 AUDIT Actions on Caspian are time-stamped and are recorded. Previous actions can always be referred to, with regards to who took certain actions.

4.8 3RD PARTY INTEGRATION: Caspian can be easily interested with third party solutions to extend functionality. Exchanges and other applications can be done seamlessly, to ensure the user has a superb experience.


The token that keeps this ecosystem going is the Caspian token (CSP). It’s an ERC-20(the highest standard) token and will be based on the Ethereum blockchain.
The essence of CSP is to reward activity within the ecosystem and transfer value. It’s not mandatory, in order to have access to the ecosystem. However, it can improve the overall experience.

Third party developers that create free applications within the ecosystem will be encouraged and also rewarded via CSP.
Brian manages assets for different clients, and he has to open multiple windows on multiple screens everyday, to stay on top of his game. This has been exhausting on him, and ensures that he is not able to work efficiently, not forgetting latency and downtime issues.
By stumbling across Caspian by chance, he discovers that he can manage everything in one location, and prepare reports-graphs included for his clients easily.
Thanks to Caspian, Brian is now more productive, and can focus on making money for his clients.
7.0 DEMO
Caspian has a working demo, that goes to show how the ecosystem works.

To learn more about each, watch the videos below.

image.pngCompliance Window Screenshot

image (2).pngCompliance Window Screenshot Two

Compliance Demo

image (1).pngCompliance Alert Screenshot

Position Management Demo

Order Execution Management Demo

image (3).pngCompliance Window Screenshot Three

Caspian ensures that data analysis and evaluation is carried out seamlessly. Irrespective of the exchanges where trades are being carried out, users are able to have this information is gathered in one place. This will ensure that more accurate data can be accessed at the click of a button, pictorial graphs can be created, and giving feedback to clients is very easy. Data can be managed more easily, for whatever need that might arise, and the chain of people that would have been needed to create evaluation/P&L files for investors are done away with. These are some of the positives that Caspian brings to the table, and ensures our interaction with cryptos is greatly improved.

Being able to set alerts and limits also ensures that users can take desired actions when necessary conditions set are triggered. This will ensure that actions such as buying/selling, and handling capacity limits can be effectively handled efficiently. It has a direct bearing on productivity and profits, so it’s a key feature.

Managing multiple portfolios across multiple exchanges is time consuming, stressful, and can lead to human error. It also makes the task of carrying out ones activities look daunting. Having a one stop shop where all data can not only be collated, but all actions in general can be executed ensures that users in general can be more productive and efficient. Dealing with latency, uptime and security issues across multiple exchanges can be a very unpleasant experience as well. With one of Caspian’s parent companies (Tora) having a 99.99% uptime for over 10years, this will ensure that users can focus on being productive on their primary goals, without any side distractions.

When these issues as highlighted are done away with, it will ensure that the people will flock in, seeing the difficulties/problems have been eliminated, and they have a solution that will improve their productivity, deliver results, and ensure that their goals are met.
Put simply: when the problems are taken care of and management is handled effectively, adoption will catch on like wild fire.


  • Caspian is a joint venture between two firms: Tora and Kenetic. Both of them have proven track records in asset management and crypto investments.
  • Has an experienced support team.
  • Asides its management team, Caspian is backed by a team of more than 150 people.









Man/woman of few words? Watch the video below.


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Nice write up, please what app did you use in making your video?

Epic post. Congratulations on winning boss man. You had it coming. Genuinely happy for you

Thanks love, for your kind words. Regards.

Congrats Man! You deserve it.

Thanks mate. Appreciated

Congrat, nice articles

Very informative article @solcross

Caspian is really interesting and you managed to explain its functions in clear and easy way.

You attached screenshots from the Caspian app. Do you consider its user interface as a friendly? I have my doubts if inexperienced user will manage to use it.

All the best

Thanks mate.
Obviously, this isn't a solution created for the average joe, so definitely won't be user friendly. But for the technical, decent enough.

Cheers mate.

hi @solcross

thx for your comment. And Im sorry for such a late reply. Just had few rough days lately.

Yours, Piotr

It's not a problem. I do hope it gets better from here on mate. Regards

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