Steemit Marathon: Ivano-Frankivsk. The city park of culture and rest named after T. Shevchenko.

in #busy6 years ago

Hello my dear friends and readers of my blog! While in Ivano-Frankivsk, we could not but visit the city's cultural and recreational park. So one morning we woke up, breakfast and went to search for the park. We went for a long time. A little poured rain. But still we went out to him.

Привіт мої любі друзі та читачи мого блогу! Перебуваючи у Івано-Франкувську ми не могли не відвідати міський парк культури та відпочинку. Тож одного ранку ми прокинулись, поснідали і вирушили на пошуки парку. Йшли ми довго. Трошки покрапав дощ. Та все ж таки ми до нього вийшли.




The park turned out to be very big and beautiful. Near the park there is a small stadium. The football stadium is called "Rukh". This name means the movement. This stadium is one of the oldest sports arenas in Ukraine. The opening of the stadium took place in 1909 and is designed for 20,000 seats. Also, it should be noted that Spartak played on this arena, and he is the home scene of the Club of the First League "Prykarpattya".

Парк виявився дуже великим і красивим. Поруч з парком є невеликий стадіон. Футбольний стадіон має назву "Рух". Ця назва значить - рух.Цей стадіон є одним із самих старих спортивних арен в Україні. Відкриття стадіону відбулося у 1909 році і розрахований він на 20 000 місць. Також, слід зазначити, що на цій арені грав "Спартак", і він є домашньою ареною клубу Першої Лігі "Прикарпаття".




Pass the stadium and start the park right away. But this is not the main entrance to the park. The main entrance is on the other side of the lake. Go to the park. Around the beauty and clean air. Huge oaks are like guards. The fir trees and pine trees are gently waving us with their branches.

Проходимо стадіон і відразу розпочинається парк. Але це не головний вхід до парку. Головний вхід знаходиться з іншого боку біля озера. Йдемо парком. Навкруги краса і чисте повітря. Величезні дуби стоять, немов охоронці. Ялинки і сосни привітливо махають нам своїм гіллям.



Walking in the park is a pleasure. Around many walking alleys and cycle tracks. Closer to the center of the park are rides and various sculptures. There is also a sculpture bust to the famous Ukrainian writer Taras Shevcheko in the park. This is the only sculptor of the writer in Ivano-Frankivsk.

Гуляти по парку одне задоволення. Навкруги багато прогулянкових алей та велодоріжок. Ближче до центру парку є атракціони та різноманітні скульптури. Також у парку є скульптура-бюст відомому українському письменнику Тарасу Шевчеко. Це єдина скульптура письменника у Івано-Франківську.




A little further there are two small beautiful artificial lakes. In general, the park has a great and interesting history of its origin and existence. I will tell you more in the second part of my story. And we are going further.

Трошки далі є два невеликих красивих штучних озера. Взагалі, парк має велику і цікаву історію свого започаткування та існування. Я більш детальніше розповім вам у другій частині моєї розповіді. А ми йдемо далі.





The sea sprawled across the road from the park. But this is not quite sea! This is a city lake. For a long time, the city of Ivano-Frankivsk was named quite differently. The city was called Stanislavsk. As early as 1930, several ponds were excavated on this territory. These rates are connecting the river Bistritsa-Solotvynsky. One day the gateways were opened at the ponds and a whole sea spilled out of them. Since then, this is a lake and is called "Stanislavsky Sea"!

Через дорогу від парку розкинолось море. Але це не зовсім море! Це міське озеро. Колись давно місто Івано-Франківсь називалось зовсім інакше. Місто мало назву - Станіславськ. Ще в 1930 році на цій території викопали декілька ставків. Ці ставки з'єднувара річка Бистриця-Солотвинська. Одного разу на ставках відкрили шлюзи і з них розлилось ціле море. Відтоді це озеро і називають "Станіславське море"!



Dear friends, Thank you for your attention. Hope you like my posts. Follow me. Ahead of you are waiting for new stories, interesting recipes and trips to Ukraine and Europe.

Шановні друзі, дякую вам за увагу. Сподіваюсь, що вам подобаються мої пости. Слідуйте за мною. Попереду вас чекають нові історії, цікаві рецепти та подорожі Україною та Європою.



Wow, This post photography is so beautiful.

Thank you very much))

опа, ми теж тільки повернулися з ІВано-Франківська) від себе можу порадити сходити в ресорацію "Мулярових" і "Лейбову гору" (це те що ми для себе відкрили))))

Дякую за пораду))) В наступний раз обов'язково відвідаємо)))

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i hope that the corrupt oligarchs of ukraine will be defeated, that prosperity and health will return to ukraine, that was once the most beautiful country of europe (before soviet and chernobyl) and peace and prosperous relation with the east and west will be possible...

sadly those on the west are islamizing themselves and those on the east seems to have some problems with plants... I heard that bitcoin was tax free in ukraine and that it was legal to grow weed...

it is so sad what happen with chernobyl, but the nano bot swarms will be able to clean it all... afterall it could be useful to recuperate all those materials polluting to use to who knows what the AI will want, but at least make ukraine fertile black plains once again wonderful to see, be and eat... like in the movie gladiatior :)

greetings, for further from the fall outs... but the dispersion and concentration is a bitch.

I can assure you that it is impossible to grow the grass that you are talking about in Ukraine!

dear sokoloffa,

Thank you very much for your reply. What a surprise, I was sure that it was like 11 plants per households.. It's curious, as it seems to be detailed. I had read it, during the war, and was hmmm...

When you are in Ukraine, keep in mind that they take their laws seriously. Cannabis is considered illegal in Kiev and all of Ukraine. That means that any activity like possession and trafficking are punishable by law.However, despite their harsh laws against marijuana, the police in Ukraine are very tolerant when it comes down to it. If you are caught, then note that they always accept charitable donations. Once you have bribed them for at least $50, then you are good to go given that they only found very little amount of cannabis in you. Just be polite and follow what they say and you are good to go.

it is super dumb as thc and others health improving molecules in this plant seems to be helpfull against radation exposure...

I guess as long as a girl is sexually exploitable until her 30's the oligarchs don't give a fuck...

you know what I hate with females? it is this conformism, impossible, what an harshword... illegal, okay, impossible... a plant? hahah... you know as it's said in cartels country, if the judges is dead, and the next one , and the next one and the next one, the new one will follow, the law, the law of war.

do you think there will ever be peace again with the russians? those guidestonians successfully splited once brotherly people...

I think I got confused :

and in ukraine it's written 10 plants... see?

І ми поїдем туди за тиждень :)

Вітаю))) Сподіваюсь тобі сподобається))) Гарної подорожі))

Nice photos of the park, @sokoloffa
Is the new Spartak stadium Otkrytiye Arena also nearby or further away from the old stadium?

Hi)) Thanks for the comment!)) Unfortunately, I do not know where the old stadium is!))

Which part of Ukraine next?

Hi)) In the offensive trip we go to the east of Ukraine))

Чудова розповідь. А озеро дійсно нагадує собою море.

Дякую))) Коли ми там були то підлитки вже відкрили купальний сезон)))

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